Monday, March 20, 2017

Trumpian Times - Exit Left (IN JUST 60 DAYS !) with a Suggested Plan for an Interim 'potus' and New Election), Or, ' Down With the Business Model of Governance , Citizens Are Not A Disposable Labor Pool'

In 2009 and 2014 Pericles21 posted about the fallacy and threat of regarding the American Citizen as a disposable labor pool under a business model governance system run by big corporations and/or their servants.

It's Time to stop filling in the blanks in Trump's performances and statements with hopeful or "fair" interpretations of DT's daily (thrice daily?) gaffes, un-presidential tweets, insults to foreign leaders, threats, bullying, saber rattling, and so on...and look straight on at what sometimes occupies the Oval Office (sometimes its DT). It's a big cow-pie!

DT is a mess, his appointees are a line-up crew, fringe dwellers or zombies..who among will be indicted, investigated and dismissed next?

The majority of voters thought Trump was mess and about half of those who voted for Trump also thought he was a mess!

Now it's the moment, (and JUST 60 DAYS!!) the majority of voters thought would happen, even though willing to give the sobering influence of sitting behind the Oval Office desk to work some kind of magic on DT. It, the rehab of Trump, hasn't happened, it looks like it won't happen and things are getting worse daily.

We've gained INSIGHT from the Trump debacle:
wanting to be President, being President and earning respect (even begrudgingly) requires something Trump doesn't show he has...a basic personal integrity, a love or at least respect for the Constitution and democratic principles, a desire to better the lives of American citizens at all levels.
A tough job? YES! That is why a modern, 21st century America doesn't deserve Trump who is not at the intellectual level with other global leaders, not inspiring global comfortability (just the opposite, in Aces), and definitely not a person of inspiring ideas and vision beyond threatening to bomb the "sh//t" out of the demons of his twisted paranoia.

Pericles 21 has the following suggestions, after today's March 20, 2017, televised hearings between FBI Director Comey and the House Intelligence Committee (Wired Ezine, 03/20/17):

1/ DT given opportunity to walk out the front door, away forever from the White House and not be indicted for treason - with 10 yr suspension of all business licensing in the the USA; if he chooses to remain in the USA, DT has to register as a foreign agent while on American soil, but his family will not be affected, even though some of them might potentially also be in conflict of interest with the Russians.
2/ 2016 election declared void, and all appointee positions not filled be frozen in place with Obama holdovers.
3/ 6-10 month Pro-tem "chief executive" appointed (Obama) to set up real 2017 or 2018 election, with proviso that Obama will not be eligible not be allowed to run in the new election.

Obama is the only person with enough global cache" (trust, experience and confidence inspiring intellect), administrative determination, management skill and patience to reach compromises where required and set up the machinery for the new election.

After this, anyone with imagination can write books...and hopefully America will have had it up to the eyeballs experimenting with a business model leadership.

What we have witnessed - the Business Model just doesn't work...
And especially, DeVos should go or be placed aside in favor of a proven public servant (or committee of impartial educators) with national vision, not her.

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