Friday, October 25, 2019

Hillary. POTUS.


Pericles21 is open to Hillary POTUS.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote for President of the United a significant margin (3 million more votes than Trump).

Since then, America's eyes have been opened wide by a hard, hard lesson embodied in Trump's 'dis-fit' to be POTUS. Trump's mal-fitness will be the subject of many years of books, plays, operas and club comedy.

America has learned what was lost in 2016 - a guiding, experienced and intelligent leader (Hillary, not DT).

Comared to Trump, or just standing alone, Hillary is refreshingly (vastly) more experienced, more competent, more communicative, a better manager and, finally, more deserving to be POTUS (as she was voted to be in 2016).

For various reasons, and not just because of the Trump POTUS debacle, Hillary appears now as cleansed from doubt and more POTUS-like than before.


In 2016, Trump promised his Party and supporters a rescuer but instead a travelling snake-oil con man showed up...and who apparently, like the disguised villain in a Hollywood '40s spy movie, might also be a traitor... as seems to be unfolding in the current, formal, House of Representativers impeachment investigations of the Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 election.

Not the least lesson with Trump in the Oval Office, is America's discovery that a 'businessman' is not a guaranteed solution to America's least not with the kind of business 'skills' Trump represents - an unprincipled, rip-the-throat, cry-when-down, always-sniffing-for-money grifter. Even when in the Oval Office, Trump behaves, talks and writes like a warehouse thief, a street corner shakedown thug.

AN EXAMPLE OF TRUMP'S THUG 'SKILLS': his October 16, 2019, "puerile" self-embarrassing letter to Turkey's President Recep Erdogan warning him not to take advantage of Trump's abrupt withdrawal of American troop protection of our Kurd allies in northern Syria).

One of Trump's main 'policy' agendas from the start of his POTUS tenure has been to deregulate America. We soon learned why: Trump's business 'style' thrives in a so-called 'free market'that Trump actually envisions as a 'free style' combat ring uncomplicated by customer protections and legal contracts. The 'winner' is the best knee breaker, eye gouger, ear biter.

This kind of 'free market' enables the businessman predator - a predator who uses, and makes, every opportunity to cheat his customers by running away from legal debts, injuries from bad product and hotel bedbug bites. (In this respect, Trump's business 'success' appears to be a cloaked history of drift-and-graft, e.g., running up service debt then daring his debtors to sue him to pay them...which they usually decide they can't afford to do. This is accomapnied by money laundering, and ultimately, apparently treason.) Trump's talk and policy actions indicate he wants to legalize all of this.


Much has happened since the election to reaffirm those who voted for Hillary Clinton to be President but even more, the ongoing circus since Trump's January 2017, inauguration clarifies in stark, strobe-flash terms what was lost. To be brief, what appeared to be Hillary's fadeaway, and what appeared to some Hillary-not-quite-supporter-doubters' to be 'something not quite' about her, are thoughts and doubts that have evaporated and left us with regret.


For various reasons, and not just because of the Trump POTUS debacle, Hillary appears now .cleansed and more POTUS-like than before. By comparison with Trump, or just standing alone, Hillary is refreshingly (vastly) more experienced, more competent, more communicative, a better manager and, finally, more deserving to be POTUS (as she was voted on in 2016).

Shortly before election day, Pericles21 outlined here recommendations for advisory boards for President Hillary to consider implementing. The next day, or soon after, Pericles21 posted nearly the same advisory boards outline for Trump POTUS.

By 4-6 months after his inauguration, Trump's advisory boards and panels (not my agenda, but 'boiler platish' similar) were in disorder, disbanded or about to be disbanded or rendered non-functional because of TRUMP'S whimsy and/or board member resignations.

'Whimsical and capricious', "incompetent" (Rex Tillerson, his Secretary of State). These descriptors have too often been heard from political professionals and experts, of both parties, to describe Trump's policy-making, management and personal behavior nearly every day of Trump's tenure so far. And, as many felt would happen before the first term was up, the House of Representatives have begun impeachment investigations.

All of the above thoughts and more bring Hillary into positive clear focus. Pericles21 thinks it is reassuring to think of Hillary standing for election, again. It's up to her. Just let us be clear, also, in this comparison, Golda M...remember? Reaching too far? Think not. AMERICA NEEDS A WOMAN POTUS!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Does This All Mean? Experiencing and Thinking About America's Trump Experience

This blog post will be 'dynamic' ...thoughts and analysis will be added as they come and dated when they are written down.

(Oct 22, 2019)
- America, IMHO, has seemed unsatisfied with its political governing for several(or more) past POTUS cycles.
- America has for some time felt a 'business' approach to governing America would be potentially 'better'.

- America's dreamers' view of the Successful Businessman (note, 'Man') would describe his core skills as efficient, effective, adaptive and broadly competent to deal with all challenges that might face American POTUS. (Certainly better than the normal politics-reared POTUS).
- American culture is one of 'Image', not necessarily reality, as we have increasingly come to realize.
- Businessmen don't have to be honest or produce safe products or abide by laws and regulations - it's more a game of 'de facto success'.
- 'De Facto Success' can mean not getting caught through bribery or political leverage.

- With Trump, America has had its POTUS-businessman dream actualized ...and has discovered some underlying sobering truths about dreams, businessmen, politics, motivations, men in particular, corruption and money.
- Through Trump, America has discovered that a successful (appearing) businessman does not mean being good at business. It can also mean he is the 'sharkiest' shark, the shadiest thief, the most brutal of brutes, the least ethical....etc., in whatever fishbowl where he is found.

- SURVIVAL BY ANY MEANS - is this the 'Truth' of America?
- Through Trump, America has discovered that what can motivate the businessman is solely money. In fact it appears that business success can mean a different kind of 'Zen' where profit focus and maximization is the end-all and valuation of all effort.

- America has discovered a 'Truer' nature of MONEY!. Money 'appears' to be the 'end-all' of everything, today.
- Money is not all that good (helpful to society broadly) when all the money is concentrated at the top.
- Money tends to corrupt principle, especially it seems the principles assumed to be the core of democratic systems.

Oct...TB Continued. Here.

Where To, Now, Dems?

This 3-year-old runaway highjack of America is accelerating to an end that holds hope for a successful 2020 election for Democrats and for a future America as a progressive Constitutional Democracy.

But first, here are some words from Pericles21 to whoever is the Dem candidate ... the same advice written for Hillary Clinton in this blogsite a month before the 2016 presidential election:


Democrats, the timing is critical to cover the bases in the 2020 campaign...get out there into America, out into the heartland as well as along the coasts.

Get out there into the heartland and...:



Monday, October 21, 2019

'Moscow' Mitch and 'Leningrad' Graham - The Democrats Finally Grow Some

'NUFF said. We'll see as this American watershed plays out.

Friday, October 18, 2019

DC Breakdown: Nancy Caps Big, Bad Don While He Prysadka's to Putin's Orders

" "All roads with you lead to Putin." (House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, addressing Donald Trump at White House meeting October 17, 2019). DT too often found 'bending the knee' (Priysadka) in Moscow's direction to Putin's Tune.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Things American: The Quid, The Pro and The Con

[This post is intended to be a humorous riff about a 'fictitious' phone call between two politician-businessmen men-pals whose relationship though somewhat casual is not equal. Although intended to be fictitious, this post tragically has potential real weight in our current world of American-global politics..which seems to have been wacky, though denied by many, under the surface. This riff uses the avatar-miens of two 1950s American TV blue-collar workingmen, the principals of the hugely popular 'The Honeymooners': 'Ralphie' ('Ralph Kramden', unnamed sole speaker, bus driver and by tone the principal of the two men) and 'Norton'('Ed Norton', sewer worker, loyal pal and by implication the 'lesser' of the two (the 'Sancho Panza', the Stan Laurel, the 'Pantagruel'), and who agrees to every request...though sometimes needing sly arm-twisting and persuasion). Importantly, and perhaps eerily, the relationship of these two television sitcom men-pals seems, 65 years later, closely resemblant of the Trump administration's sometimes clueless efforts to steer the American ship of state in modern global political (and domestic!) waters. It is pertinent to have here a description of the two men's central purpose - to gain wealth and fame, or through fame to gain wealth but wealth was the endpoint of all their never-successful, often over-the-top ambitious schemes that failed through comedic bumbling, 'poor choices' and resultant absurd dilemmas...that sometimes revolved around women's rights and social attitudes (!)...When is America going to settle down and address these issues, its racial history and finally move onward to the future?

(Ring, ring...’Hey,’s things down there in Oklahoma? ....wha’, Texas?...Geez, Norton, how'dja get to Texas?...Anyway, f...k, we're wasting time here Pal...Look, nice piece a gas action in some hellhole country next to France or somewhere, maybe lots of oil, or somethin...yeah, probably named after somebody's girlfriend or somethin, deep history over there...Yeah, Norton, they're ready to play ball...and...Wha? you and your crew are on it already?...Now look here Norton, you don’t pull that on me anymore, nobody makes a play without gettin' my OK...OK?...Changes, Norton, changes, buddy...Oh, yeah? ...Wellll, 'F U', too, Pal...Yeah?...I got the US of A army to put right on your butt unless I get my piece...No Norton, I'm not callin' from Florida, I’m sittin here in the Big Chair and I don't get backtalk from nobody...Wha?...OK I know you don’t mean no disrespect...So...Yeah, we're still pals...So shut up and let me finish, will ya?...I got a golf tee-off in 15...So Norton, here's how it's gonna go... Coordination...Yeah, that's the key...Yeah, now you got it...So, you with me now?... So here's how it goes...Bet you didn't know I’ve got some major strings tied to this chair...I'm like a god to these people,... you wouldn't believe it, Norton...but first we got to get a man in play to deal with the homeboy players there...let me finish here...Geez,, now you're readin' me...Yeah, you gotta pack your bags, you're traveling for sure...No! No stopover in Vegas...Hold on, Norton, first we got to make you legit, you can't just walk in there wearing your bathrobe and smokin a cigar...we gotta make you respectable, so to speak Norton, you're not gonna believe this, Pal...This is me, the genius talkin' here, Pal...I'm so genius, they call me the king 'o the free world..can you believe that!...Hold on a sec, Norton, let me finish...I’m gonna make you official...Wha? Nah, UN Ambassador's for boy scouts and women...look, you're gonna be my Secretary of, Norton, you don't have to know anything about energy...('d be dangerous if you did)...Look at me, I don't know nothin about this gig except somebody back when chopped down a prune tree or somethin' and they still think I'm a genius, the best ever in 80 years since when this country started!...Anyway, back to your new job, Norton, those people in that energy office do all their own, they just go around making sure the gas meters work...yeah, in the whole country... takes lot's 'o them, ya know...yeah, Ha! I Santa's elves...Anyway, so all you have to do is sit in a big office, walk around a little to show who's boss, go to lunches...yeah, you know, dog and pony act...and get your ass over there to Karin or where ever when I tell you...Wha? Sure, sure the Russian guy is cool, already got his ok and what his take is gonna be...yeah, now you're talkin, Norton...Yup, piece a cake. Look, Pal, good you’re on board and tell your crew not to worry, plenty to go around. Wha? Another question? Come on, Norton, I gotta go... got tee off yesterday...wha?...g..dam, yes you can wear your boots to work.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Big Shake Down & Shuffle: American Politics at What It Does Best These Days or at Least Often Enough (And Whence Pence?)

This blog, The Perched Eye (formally "The Eclectic Commentary from Pericles21') was started in February 2009, at the time of President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration. Initially, this blog would simply serve to chronicle standout happenings and trends in American politics judged to be significant from the the author's experience as a past candidate for elected political office and from extensive foreign travel. Also thrown in would be commentary about anything else in American affairs the author judged to significantly affect American life in general. Since 2008, America's 'life' has evolved in dramatic ways and directions; we appear to be faced with a totally new political paradigm, Trumpist 'populism' which seems to be Populism maybe in demographics and belief as the definition might dictate...but no one is totally certain about the reality of who are the participants or what the base ideology really is...beyond an apparent unity structured around racism and fear...but even that is cloudy. Anyway, times since the Obama presidency have 'morphed' radically in all manner of different and new, often bizarre and certainly unexpected directions that are revealed from the White House in almost every 24 hour cycle. But there seems to be an emerging pattern - things in Trumpland are getting more and more unusual, more and more extending beyond the Constitutional boundaries set by America's founders for the powers of America's chief executive ('Chief Executive' because after all, American democracy was founded on the principle of the separation of co-equal branches (3) whose smooth operation relies mostly on well-intentioned elected officers whose actions are guided in broad stroke with minimal (but strictured where the Founders, from their newly conceptualized and enthusiastic 18th century enlightenment, deemed necessary). Such seems to be where America is today...trying to hold onto the Founders' dream for an enduring Democracy, but faced with a political 'sport' a different kind of 'politician-citizen' whose talents, morality and even election (as far as we can tell) do not appear to fit the position and responsibilities of an American president.
So far as we know, this morning October 5, 2019, Vice President Pence has not committed readily identifiable, or publicly released, criminal acts like Richard Nixon's VP Agnew who in the 70s received brown paper bags filled with bribery money delivered to his VP office in Washington, DC. But VP Pence might have aided s scheme to to purchase an unlawful political service, by unlawful means from a foreign nation..i.e., to have possibly aided a strong-arm shakedown of a foreign nation, Ukraine, through a $400 million bribe (through a Trump delay of an already Congress-approved, aid package to Ukraine). The ultimate goal was/is to obtain Ukraine's 'quid pro quo' participation in a scheme to influence the 2020 American presidential election bay falsely smirching Joe Biden, Donald Trump's potential 2020 presidential rival.

Overall, it seems at least on the national level, the venue of American political shenanigans has changed since the 70s Nixon-Agnew days. More than ever, American political crime schemes impacting even our domestic politics extend internationally in scope and and utilize degrees-removed foreign nation participation.

Now American politics' criminal activity utilizes impersonal, ultra-sophisticated technology that replaces actual people walking around carrying paper bags of cash,...or at least they use international first class seats. Anyway, the 70s brown paper bags of cash bribes walked into political office buildings, at the national level 'passe'.

But some things remain the same since the Nixon-Agnew 70s. Although there is more 'smoke and mirrors' and newer technologies are used to disguise political crime, there remains at the core the quintessential 'quid pro quo', the 'something-for-something', the 'deal'(why Pericles21 doesn't like to hear 'deal' used to refer to legitimate diplomatic negotiations, agreements and treaty). By this definition Trumps current 'Ukraine' mess is not 'diplomacy' - it is a shakedown deal done in the crime-language of a bad Hollywood gangster film.

In today's political crime, as with more of crime in general (but outside of the world of the poor caste who are capital/imfluence limited to do criminal deals the 'old fashioned way' through direct force and face-to-face threats), the high-level criminal activity has replaced the paper bag with impersonal, multi-tiered, intricately-webbed and hopefully untraceable, electronic-digital systems disguised as 'something else' but intended, ultimately, to deliver criminally obtained, or unlawful, assets or service of value.

In the world of international relations, things criminal or unlawful have changed, too. Modern political international criminal activity is increasingly centered around grey banking transactions involving hidden and/or degrees-removed participants whose intentions and everything possibly linked with the true criminal plot are cloaked under innocent-seeming disguises.

As in the case of some Trump business 'deals (schemes), there are sophisticated, superficially legal-but-disguised financial transactions (sales) that are not 'normal but in reality are 'long-con' political-business deals involving inflated priced assets whose presently-exorbitant price tags are based on hidden or long-term 'dodges'.

An example is the sale of vacant condominiums (at exorbitant prices) to pregnant foreign-national women 'tourists' to deliver their babies on American soil so as to gain future-generational extended family immigration into America and tax-advantages for the women's foreign families when the babies turn 21... when they then have the right to bring primary family into America (or something like that...).

Even shady international political 'deals' begin with the "quid pro quo", though disguised in quasi-diplomatic agreements (in reality criminal 'deals' about the 'give and take').

Finally, there is the sophisticated, global cyber-crime, the disguised bribery of even foreign nations, where at both ends the participants are two or more degrees removed from direct, cash money transactions - like Russia's influencing the 2016 American election through several intermediate cyber-criminal 'cutouts' but where the ultimate 'payoff' was to be the potential-president Trump's lifting of economic sanctions against Russia...a scheme disguised behind a seemingly harmless and innocent 'baby adoption' disagreement. And there is the most recent political crime attempt by Trump and co-actors, whereby strong-arm bribery was used to obtain Ukrainian 'interference' in the upcoming 2020 election by Ukrainian false smirching of the reputations of Trump's political rivals...and their families.

But again, some things are the same... behind the layers of disguise and magician's curtains, there lies the pile of money.

And interestingly, the perpetrators seem drawn to use the same spoken shakedown language... like actors in a 1940s American gangster movie. Only instead of 'you wouldn't want bad things to happen to that nice family you have...', it's now graduated to threats against a president's country, " would be a shame if something happened to your beautiful country..." [ 2019, DTrump speaking 1940s Hollywood 'gangsterish' to 'muscle' 2020 election interference from Ukrainian President Zelensky...and possibly using the same delivery to obtain 2020 interference from several other country leaders internationally, e.g, possibly Australia, Denmark, Italy and more]. How did Nixon-Agnew wind up?