Friday, March 24, 2017

Trumpian Times: "A Loser President" (Dan Rather)

Pericles21 commented (below)on a piece in the March 24, Dailykos webzine covering Dan Rather's description of Trump in the Oval Office, to date,... "A Loser President".

It’s so good that Dan Rather is still with us in body and spirit — Rather was a martyr warrior who stood face to face with The Nixon...and suffered for that. Kudoes, Dan.

But to the subject of DT, perhaps we might say DT is simply not a fit to occupy the Oval Office (one hesitates to even use the title of potus). And, America should learn its lesson from this debacle, the basic qualification for being a true POTUS is an understanding of, and commitment to, the principles of democracy and the significance and respect for the Constitution — DT seems to have neither of these qualities.  DT seems to not understand where he is and what ‘it’ is all about. And then, DT doesn’t appear to understand the great efforts (toil and body sweat) taken by less rich men to pave the roads he has driven on in his expensive cars, the importance of regulations to guarantee the good quality air that has kept his lungs healthy for him to live this long and the laws that assure the quality of water that has helped keep his body going, and the diligence of the many service people whose lesser wealth status have assured safe foods for his table. Trump has benefitted from these, and more, service but has probably never realized (if he is capable) wherefrom or how they they were delivered to him — he seems to just automatically assume they appear at his wish as if delivered by a God’s command or whim.  Trump is a “User” simply and solely. Trump is not fit to sit behind the desk in the Oval Office. (And Melania’s description of the furnititure in the White House as ‘old furniture’  nails it that the White House has been run over by rude, misfit rug merchants.
This period of America's history will hopefuly be short (ending soon with resignation or impeachment).

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