Sunday, February 28, 2021



Democrats have won seven of the last eight presidential elections! (What does that tell one?) And, this blog is twelve (12) years old this Spring of 2021 ... it began with the 2009 first term of President Barack Obama. who was followed in 2016 by Donald Trump ((single term, two popular vote losses, and two impeachments.) In 2020, Joseph Biden, Obama's Vice President,  defeated Trump by a wide popular vote margin of more than seven million and an electoral college win by 306-232.  THINGS DID GO AROUND (to the Proud Boys, et al.)

--------- REGARDING MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE (R-Georgia, newly elected) -------

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, in a letter to folks back home after getting confused, homesick, and learning she is like a fish out of water in DC...while serving as a new Congressperson from Georgia: 

'Sometimes, Ma, that hard 'lil devil ( a going away Glock pistol) tucked in his cute leather on my hip just wants to jump right out and speak his mind to these liberals. I don't know how long I can keep the leash on him Ma, but it won't be my fault if he do.' 

Marjorie Taylor Greene claims mind-washing by the media led to her involvement in helping to incite the January 6, 2021, Capitol Hill insurrection attempt - “I was allowed to believe things that weren’t true” (Marjorie Taylor Greene).  Pericles21 attempts to delve further into Marjorie's angst with a  fictional 'note' to her mother expressing MTG's dislocation and itch to act out her confusion and anxiousness from being a strange-thinking Georgia gal in a strange land ... by letting her 'open-carry' pistol speak her anxiety:

Prior to and on January 6, 2021, Marjorie Taylor Greene (Representative, Dem-Georgia) added her voice to help incite the ultra-right Proud Boys (et al) to invade Capitol Hill Congressional Chambers and forcefully take possession of the official vote certificates submitted to Congress from the States. Basically, this was a planned insurrection.

But there was more to happen.  Along with that invasive act of insurrection, the Proud Boys planned to "grab" both Nancy Pelosi, the House Leader, and Vice President Mike Pence; thereby, in Proud Boy thinking (actually, Trump's since the Proud Boys could not think at that level) stopping the 2020 election confirmation process, and hopefully thrown the election into a state of limbo that would have theoretically opened the door for Trump, while still President until January 20, to declare a last-minute national emergency which could only be resolved if Trump stepped up to declare by technicality (the official vote documents couldn't be found) that the election was a failed process.... and therefore trump would assume 'emergency powers' until ....! 

That was a nice-sounding chain of events that apparently made sense to the Trump rioters. But, of course, after promising to be there with them, Trump cheered them on while from far away, he watched the invasion on TV, stuffing his face with popcorn and laughing at the Proud Boys with his buddies. Thereby, Trump's direct involvement was and remains deniable (as he hopes). 

So, Proud Boy chumps! You were tricked, as so many of you are now claiming in your court defenses (for insurrection against the United States government).  You should have known that such a brain fart was something Trump could dream up but never pull off ... without aid from patsies, you lot. 

But, a 'de facto' putsch nearly happened!  And tragically the invading ultra-right gangs injured over 100 Capitol police and seven others died (were 'killed', imho). A Pelosi-sponsored House investigation is underway with more than 500 arrested at this time.

Pericles21 commentary: Marjorie Taylor Greene's excuse for her support of the insurrectionists, that she was "allowed to believe things that weren’t true” sounds like a child's childish excuse given to her parents. Her excuse is hard to believe it was said by a Congressperson. And then, to top that, it was said by an adult, Congressperson or not. This says so much how far American TV mind-trap-for-profit has violated Freedom of Speech sensibility and bent the minds of so many Americans (close to 45% of voters no doubt are avid viewers of Fox News). 

But then, how can we accuse Ms. Greene of idiocy when media companies like Fox News are allowed to broadcast bald lies under the disguise of 'News' , without censure or advisory labels that what is being told to American audiences is known by the media corporation news desks themselves to be false. Yet when on the few times they have been called to account, all the 'Foxie' media have to do is say 'hey, we're just entertainers" and they walk away. 

Maybe Greene is just another example of how provincial backwoods America can be (Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, ..Mississippi..., you know, most of the former confederate states.) 

With the above background, Pericles21 felt it right to take a peek inside Marjorie Taylor Greene's rather mazelike mind to see what she might be thinking in her new gig as a Congressional Representative from Georgia. This is done reluctantly as MTG's mind seems to bounce around grabbing at half-thoughts here and there, but 'here goes':

A response to “I was allowed to believe things that weren’t true” - (Marjorie Taylor Greene]

'Hey, Mom and Dad, what's with the BS you guys fed me for all these years; here i am elected to go to Washington DC, and its a real punishement ...I just can't seem to fit in ... these people even believe in evolution . Whoever told them that. But, Ma, it turns out they're right. I even went to this big Museum and saw these old bones, 'dinasors' they call them and some of those bones came from around where we live but I was never told about that. Ma, I was told wrong about evolution ... and the 'N'' walk around everywhere here like its nothing, and they're even around on the streets at night (tho back home, we told the Sheriff to be polite when advising lost 'N...r' travelers not to hang around town after dark ... you know for their own safety... we look after our 'Ns' , isnt that right, Ma? I dont know, Ma, I felt so proud to walk into work, that CONgress Hall, with my new boots and the kickn hard, snub lil' '38 you and Pa got me for going away...and then they told me to keep that at home ... Its hard and hurtn all over here Ma.    Sometimes, Ma, that hard 'lil devil tucked in his cute leather on my hip just wants to jump right out and speak his mind. I don't know how long I can keep the leash on him Ma, but it won't be my fault if he do step out on his own.'

Sunday, February 14, 2021


Former President Donald Trump recently escaped a second Senate impeachment trial conviction (February 13, 2021) mainly due to Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell's cowardly and Machiavellian plotting motivated to curry future support from Trump and his facist, violent, neo-Nazi base. (BEWARE, McConnell, Trump has no reciprocal sense of loyalty and you will live in real fear of his transactional, fickle, chaotic, paranoid mind-set  that can impromptu-ly unleash his armed henchmen upon your soul, home and family!)

(Does an image of the Hitler's 1930's 'Brown Shirts' come to mind? It should - one of Trump's few reading materials as an adult were 'Mein Kampf'' and "My New Order (Hitler's speeches)" which Trump reportedly kept by his bedside (according to an ex-wife)!). 

So, even though Trump lost the election and voted out of office, America faces another four years of Trump's sniping attacks on our leaders and democratic systems. (Furthermore and sadly, it seems Mitch McConnell's political 'skills' and expertise lie in dark, Machiavellian obstruction.)

And, as far as the Democrats are concerned, Trump's proxy, McConnell, will continue obstructing President Biden's work to save America from the Pandemic and economic collapse ... both the result of Trump's incompetence, self-agrandizing policies and treasonous complicity with America's declared state enemies.

This blogger views Trump's continued effect on the forthcoming years with a mix of foreboding and morbid curiosity. 

Just how frequent and damaging to our democracy and with what forms will Trump's psychotic ways dump more chaos and confusion onto America?  The answer is very likely, 'often and smelly', as Trump's style is about everything.

And what about Mitch McConnell? Will McConnell receive his anticipated rewards for his lickspittle loyalty to Trump in engineering the Senate trial's 'Acquittal-by-default?', the failure to convict by lack of a quorum majority? 

One feels that McConnell will not be rewarded to the extent he expects. But McConnell will survive politically because even Trump knows his interests are best served with a live lapdog than a powerless junior senator replacing a McConnell let lapse by Trump's vindictive urges.

But, though Trump will let McConnell survive, it will be just 'survival' in mental pergatory. The next years will not be a bed of roses for McConnell. Trump must now see McConnell for the servile 'nothing' McConnell truly is. And Trump will beat on and defile McConnell with scorn like a moldy old drum because Trump now knows McConnell is his 'bitch'.

This blogger sees a self-resurrecting Trump rewarding McConnell's lickspittle boot polishing with deserved scorn, not so much for McConnell cravenly saving Trump from a Senate conviction but mostly for the minor lapses in McConnell's total loyalty and subservience in the last 5 years.

'BEWARE' Mitch McConnell ... despite your eager knee-scraping to lap up Trump's disrespect and treating you like the servile puppet you are, Trump will 'engineer' ways to belittle and besmirch you, to spite and spit on you ... just because.' Enjoy Trump's hell, Mitch.

AND... behind the Senate's failure to convict Trump of impeachable misconduct as president, Trump's treasonous self-agrandizing acts against the Republic, we must address the glaring question: 'how is it that McConnell is the most powerful senior senator in America?', although he is a prime example of America's 'leak in the dam' of our form of democracy because he 'represents' the 7th most impoverished state in the nation with one of the least-educated and small populations? 

How can McConnell play a leading role for America from the context of representing one of the most demographically and economically marginal state 'anomalies', his home state of Kentucky? From that context, it seems McConnell hasn't a clue about the needs and path forward to a modernized, multi-cultural America with new industries and more jobs.

The answer to why McConnell has disproportional influence is America's 'leak-in-the-democracy' construction - seniority and no-term-limit rules ... which are employed to insincere unpatriotic advantage by the former Confederate states, with their race-based gerrymandering and other means of voter suppression.

McConnell, as a Senator of one of America's most impoverished, uneducated and nationally supported small states, surely can't have a clue about the needs and path forward for a modernized, multi-cultural America. 

McConnell doesnt have the home-state context and personal outlook to help formulate solutions for a future America with new industries and more jobs. 

(Again, sadly, it seems McConnell's chief self-serving, self-preserving political 'skills' and expertise lie in dark, Machiavellian obstruction.)

Thursday, February 11, 2021


GREEK CHORUS:      ("THINGS FELL APART AS ANTICIPATED ... to the base, you got what you bought: the pandemic, economic distress, 'royal' negligence, drama, grift, treason, lying, pandemic! The only missing element is the 'Oxy' - but wait! Hark! More's to come, Anon and Alas.  Cometh Majestic Biden with Seneschal Warrior Maid Harris accompanied by Warrior Chatelain-Seer Pelosi, Knights Schiff and stalwart companions, with ever in the wings the eyes of the 'Hall of Sir Roberts' and his fellow monks including the baneful orbs of Thomas and Alito with the darting glances from Gorsuch and Kavanaugh."). 

Note:  Perched Eye's Sept 28, 2016, operatic view of the coming Trump disaster: 

Election 2016: Trump as Performance: Operas Buffa and Tragedy ... Starring Villains and Buffoons, and Wolves and Lambs, and Despots and Martyrs.....

It's now February 2021, and for twelve years (since 2009's Obama election), 'PerchedEye' has posted about American life, society, and politics.  

And now, in the midst of Trump's second impeachment trial (after a second House impeachment), ... for what appears to be many impeachable acts and precipitated events, it seems appropriate to repost our November 9, 2016, warning of dire consequences from Trump's presidency ( (Trump #2: Post Election Reaction - Recap, Views, and Predictions On A Trump Presidency).  

A Reminder:  PerchedEye's blog began with the 2009 first term of President Barack Obama who was followed in 2016 by Donald Trump ((single term, two popular vote losses, and two impeachments.) In 2020, Joseph Biden, Obama's Vice President,  defeated Trump by a broad popular vote margin of more than seven million and an electoral college win by 306-232.  Right after Trump's 2016 election win, PerchedEye started out trying to be unbiased but with the 'warning' to Trump's supporters that they bore the weight of a possible disaster that could harm themselves (Election 2016: Trump #1, A "COMMON GOOD" Plan - A Proposed Domestic Priority Plan for Trump's Presidency, November 9, 2016 ).  

Note addendum:   Including Hillary Clinton's 2016 popular vote 'win' over Trump, Democrats have won the popular vote in seven of the last eight presidential elections since 1992 ... but by electoral college count wound up President in only 6. In other words, Republicans LOST the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 elections since 1992! (Get it?)

GREEK CHORUS:      "THINGS FELL APART AS ANTICIPATED ... to the base, you got what you bought: the pandemic, economic distress, 'royal' negligence, drama, grift, treason, lying, pandemic! The only missing element is the 'Oxy' - but wait! Hark! More's to come, Anon and Alas)"


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Trump #2: Post Election Reaction - Recap, Views and Predictions On A Trump Presidency

"A FUTURE SOMETIME: America will eventually cross the thresh hold and become a post-racial, economic egalitarian democracy upholding the original theme of the Common Good. Maybe not for a generation but eventually.

This Blog, "The Perched Eye", was begun in 2009 when President Barack Obama was about to be inaugurated. With apologies, 2009 was the first time this author paid close attention to the intricacies of American national politics... although in the 70's and 80's and 90's, it was impossible not to be swept into the political dramas around Vietnam, Watergate, the Reagen-Air Controller battle, and the opening of the Mid-East conflicts in Iran and Iraq.

Now, America's political arena has opened with a new production, the Trump presidency. 

Here are some views from 'The Perched Eye' about last night's election of Donald Trump to be the 45th president of the United States (and may God bless us all):

1. THE NEXT 4 YEARS?. ??? Who knows. Let's hope something is done for the COMMON GOOD.

2. 'CODED LANGUAGE' - appears to work (the Base seems to have arisen by sub-liminal code words and images).

3. ENERGY will draw tears. The Base's kids will drown in petro-pollution and suffer generations of genetic damage.

4. CLIMATE CHANGE. Ignored by both candidates and will continue to be swept under the rug by the petro lobby.

5. IT'S ALL A SHOW, so grab a large supply of popcorn, buy a wide-screen and settle in for 4 years of TV carnival.

6. REMORSE. Coulda', mighta', O-me-o-mya'. Move on!  

7. HILLARY DID WIN, goals were largely met...except the other side, unexpectedly even by them, met theirs more.

8. TRUMP BOUGHT A RIDE ON A WILD BRONCO - he did not sweep the election', more the truth he was 'swept in' by a rogue tidal wave. Big difference - 'to do' or 'be done to'...who's in control?

9. MIGHTA'S. 'Bernie and Warren', or 'Warren and Biden' or any pairing not including Hillary mighta' won, maybe.

10. "BEWARE THE TIDAL WAVE EBBING" should be posted as a banner over President Trump's Oval Office desk.      'What goes around, comes around'.

11. TRUMP WAS (IS) A TOOL (the 'Trumpet') - of grass roots disaffection, disappointment, with the status quo in DC.

12. A TOOL OF HIS BASE, Trump should be careful to watch his step - he's in a cage full of 'angry'.

13. POSITIVES - several of his prior negatives: 
Nobody's 'Boy'. Nobody's, Base;

'Cowboy', 'Gunslinger': his actions may be erratic, impromptu, "off-script". You bought it, Base;

Internationally (Russia, China) - now America has a despot just like them. Good or bad, who knows, Putin?


DISAPPOINTMENTS (Roll-backs - Roe, HealthCare, Education, Social Security, Energy, climate change...lot's of stuff the Base didn't understand...);

'RUSTY NAIL'- not good for anyone, it scrapes and infects;

COMMON GOOD - if he follows this path, he doesn't have to favor any group, race, nationality or religion - he might be enough of a maverick to carry this off;

'TRUMP THE OPERA'. (Seriously), comedy or tragedy, or both (my bet) give it 10-18 months.

15. AMERICA WILL GO ONWARD...but it will not be smooth.  

A FUTURE SOMETIME: America will eventually cross the thresh hold of post-racial, economic egality, and the Common Good. Maybe not for a generation but eventually.

--------------- --------- -----------------     FINIS ACT 1!   (departing Chorus chants over shoulders)-----                                                                                   

"THINGS FELL APART AS FORESEEN! ... to the base, you got what you bought: the pandemic, economic distress, 'royal' negligence, drama, grift, treason, lying, pandemic! The only missing element is the 'Oxy' - but wait! Hark! More's to come, Anon and Alas.  Cometh the purge, the scourge, ...the bailiff?"

----------------------------------------      MORE TO COME.    -------

Saturday, February 6, 2021


 Kelly the Cockatoo really gets what a lot of us are feeling about post-election Trump antics. Why won't the f..r go away nicely? Speak to us, Kelly, in the way you do! We get ya!