Friday, August 4, 2023

MI6, Western Intelligence, Ukraine, and The Russian People

The Perched Eye blog is 14 years old,  from 2009 with President Obama's election. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the styles and directions of American politics and culture, with an occasional comment on the impact of new technologies. Our observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted.

Today, I watched a Youtube interview with the English intelligence chief (MI6, Sir Richard Moore,…the ghost thusly spake) who commented on "his" service's view about the current Russian invasion of Ukraine…and on the resultant backfires in Russia itself…and on Sir Richard’s ‘faith’ in an eventual Russian people's public non-support of Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. 

But, IMO, the Russian people are not the yet-to-arise heroes the West (and their intel groups, MI6 prominently) put hope in.  Rather, the Russian ‘people though perhaps ‘heroic’ inside, are in day-to-day reality totally and ruthlessly controlled to a state of numb paralysis. That is the reality the West must constantly keep in mind and deal with, and never let Russia’s siren song to seduce our people.

I’ve written about the Russian people before and stated my perspective on the Russian ‘State’ (a history of total state control), and on the Russian people (nihilistic, born to the yoke of servitude, number one globally alcoholic,…but yet human underneath.)

One can only hope about the Russian peoples' desire for a better government, but theirs is a terribly high hill to climb. (For the Russian people to be heard, many hundreds of thousands might have to die by their own ‘leaders’ hands.)

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