Wednesday, April 7, 2021


It’s being debated but let’s face it, on January 6, 2021, there was an attempted, insurrection takeover of the  democratically-elected American government that barely failed. 

The intended, forceful takeover of the American government wras inspired by Donald Trump  (as he inspired prior to the 2016 election) and attempted with planned (premeditated) kidnappings, torture and executions-by-gallows-hanging on the Capitol grounds just in front of Congress. 

Although not a successful insurrection, bad actions were perpetrated by Trump’s followers resulting in deaths, injuries, and stealing and destruction of government property.

And it all began months earlier with Donald Trump’s pre-emptive whining, echoed by Fox News and other right wing voices, about his  possible 2020 election loses that could only happen except by Democrat cheating and vote rigging - which course, Trump’s state and national supporters were surreptitiously already putting in place for his benefit. (All of these ‘moves’ Trump committed leading up to the 2020 election.). 

Therefore, by Trumpist ‘logic’, his supporters had to anticipate Democrat Party cheating and ‘betrayal’ and prepare to act to take back their rightful 2020 election win. 

Hence, prior to the 2020 election, Trump began a program of anticipatory preparation for insurrection - culminating in a post-election call out for a ‘wild’ gathering of Trump loyalists in Washington DC at the Capitol Hall of Congress, on January 6, 2021.


Trump’s invitation to a “wild’ time at the Capitol was an unsubtle reference to the term “wilding” which has been for some decades a label attached to Trumpist-like mobs and translates  to ‘destructive running amok’ with unconcerned, deadly consequences for persons and property — hence the gallows constructed by the insurgents and the plastic wrist ties, the guns carried, the Molotov cocktails, the bombs cached at strategic locations nearby, the feces smeared on the walls of Congress, the urinating on the Capitol carpets and elsewhere, the ‘wilding’ insane shouting for Vice President Pence, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Congressperson Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other elected offices to come out of hiding.  To summarize, as planned, there was an incited deadly rampage (a ‘Wilding’)  carried out by a deliberately inflamed, run-amok mob … whose actions were pre-meditated to capture and kill elected officials (the wrist ties, gallows and guns) whose election legitimacy had prior been confirmed by 60 unsuccessful court challenges. January 6, 2021, was a Trump-inspired Insurrection, with tressxpassing, destroying property, gunfire and killings ... that failed.

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