Hmmm, seems again it's time for the financial markets to don their short-sell cloaks, pull the drain plugs, incite market panic, ruin the image of pure market capitalism and along the way ruin common folks' dreams of fair play and maybe some small share of the action ... by short-selling America down the tube.
But it needn't be that way if preventive will and planning are in place before panic happens.
Team Biden must be wary of the WS players, the 'wise guys', the Trump bedmates. Those who surf, or engineer market panic.
When the faintest signals are seen of market disturbance, Team Biden must act quickly, but deftly, to pre-empt, buffer and prevent run-away short-selling from panicking the financial markets. ) We've seen and learned so much useful stuff from Obama's economic rescue ...and from the dark side of the coin, the Trump years debacle!)
In March 2008, just after the Bush economic 'troubles' started and as Obama came into office, Pericles21 warned about the short-sellers, the perching vultures who are ever poised in the wings of human economic theater to swoop in on a struggling economy and guarantee its death by picking at its still-living heart and liver.
Now, since early 2021, we hear whispers and rumors of another economic 'problem' perhaps coming. This time, the White House team should get ahead of the matter, announce they are monitoring the hedge funds' activities, and are keeping a close eye on Wall Street's short-selling movements (just in case of 'funny bizness' that might incite a market rout to the exits (but it needn't be stated that explicitly).
Do we already hear the rats below deck chewing the ropes on our renewed ship of state? Again, like in 2008, must we fail to do the right thing and stop the short-sellers before they wreck portfolios, bankrupt cities, and add another 2 trillion$ to the national debt? Or, shall we just go with the flow and it's 'What's to Worry, there's plenty more where the last 8-13 unplanned trillion$ came from.'
Are the Repub-rats already at the gnaw?
We laugh at wasting time talking about rigged elections and new voting regs as if they are the 'all' of Repub political tricks. But the signs of the real snarkling Repub demons are there in the derivatives - there's skullduggery afoot, and the sluice gates are a'jiggling, eager to let loose a sledge of smelly goop onto our naive public.
This time around, the 'good guys' (Team Biden) must act quickly and firmly to pre-empt short-selling as soon as the market-tinkerers reveal themselves. Europe was quick to stop the short sell trickery by muzzling the rats long-term while America waffled. HBS.
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