Monday, October 7, 2019

Things American: The Quid, The Pro and The Con

[This post is intended to be a humorous riff about a 'fictitious' phone call between two politician-businessmen men-pals whose relationship though somewhat casual is not equal. Although intended to be fictitious, this post tragically has potential real weight in our current world of American-global politics..which seems to have been wacky, though denied by many, under the surface. This riff uses the avatar-miens of two 1950s American TV blue-collar workingmen, the principals of the hugely popular 'The Honeymooners': 'Ralphie' ('Ralph Kramden', unnamed sole speaker, bus driver and by tone the principal of the two men) and 'Norton'('Ed Norton', sewer worker, loyal pal and by implication the 'lesser' of the two (the 'Sancho Panza', the Stan Laurel, the 'Pantagruel'), and who agrees to every request...though sometimes needing sly arm-twisting and persuasion). Importantly, and perhaps eerily, the relationship of these two television sitcom men-pals seems, 65 years later, closely resemblant of the Trump administration's sometimes clueless efforts to steer the American ship of state in modern global political (and domestic!) waters. It is pertinent to have here a description of the two men's central purpose - to gain wealth and fame, or through fame to gain wealth but wealth was the endpoint of all their never-successful, often over-the-top ambitious schemes that failed through comedic bumbling, 'poor choices' and resultant absurd dilemmas...that sometimes revolved around women's rights and social attitudes (!)...When is America going to settle down and address these issues, its racial history and finally move onward to the future?

(Ring, ring...’Hey,’s things down there in Oklahoma? ....wha’, Texas?...Geez, Norton, how'dja get to Texas?...Anyway, f...k, we're wasting time here Pal...Look, nice piece a gas action in some hellhole country next to France or somewhere, maybe lots of oil, or somethin...yeah, probably named after somebody's girlfriend or somethin, deep history over there...Yeah, Norton, they're ready to play ball...and...Wha? you and your crew are on it already?...Now look here Norton, you don’t pull that on me anymore, nobody makes a play without gettin' my OK...OK?...Changes, Norton, changes, buddy...Oh, yeah? ...Wellll, 'F U', too, Pal...Yeah?...I got the US of A army to put right on your butt unless I get my piece...No Norton, I'm not callin' from Florida, I’m sittin here in the Big Chair and I don't get backtalk from nobody...Wha?...OK I know you don’t mean no disrespect...So...Yeah, we're still pals...So shut up and let me finish, will ya?...I got a golf tee-off in 15...So Norton, here's how it's gonna go... Coordination...Yeah, that's the key...Yeah, now you got it...So, you with me now?... So here's how it goes...Bet you didn't know I’ve got some major strings tied to this chair...I'm like a god to these people,... you wouldn't believe it, Norton...but first we got to get a man in play to deal with the homeboy players there...let me finish here...Geez,, now you're readin' me...Yeah, you gotta pack your bags, you're traveling for sure...No! No stopover in Vegas...Hold on, Norton, first we got to make you legit, you can't just walk in there wearing your bathrobe and smokin a cigar...we gotta make you respectable, so to speak Norton, you're not gonna believe this, Pal...This is me, the genius talkin' here, Pal...I'm so genius, they call me the king 'o the free world..can you believe that!...Hold on a sec, Norton, let me finish...I’m gonna make you official...Wha? Nah, UN Ambassador's for boy scouts and women...look, you're gonna be my Secretary of, Norton, you don't have to know anything about energy...('d be dangerous if you did)...Look at me, I don't know nothin about this gig except somebody back when chopped down a prune tree or somethin' and they still think I'm a genius, the best ever in 80 years since when this country started!...Anyway, back to your new job, Norton, those people in that energy office do all their own, they just go around making sure the gas meters work...yeah, in the whole country... takes lot's 'o them, ya know...yeah, Ha! I Santa's elves...Anyway, so all you have to do is sit in a big office, walk around a little to show who's boss, go to lunches...yeah, you know, dog and pony act...and get your ass over there to Karin or where ever when I tell you...Wha? Sure, sure the Russian guy is cool, already got his ok and what his take is gonna be...yeah, now you're talkin, Norton...Yup, piece a cake. Look, Pal, good you’re on board and tell your crew not to worry, plenty to go around. Wha? Another question? Come on, Norton, I gotta go... got tee off yesterday...wha?...g..dam, yes you can wear your boots to work.

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