Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Does This All Mean? Experiencing and Thinking About America's Trump Experience

This blog post will be 'dynamic' ...thoughts and analysis will be added as they come and dated when they are written down.

(Oct 22, 2019)
- America, IMHO, has seemed unsatisfied with its political governing for several(or more) past POTUS cycles.
- America has for some time felt a 'business' approach to governing America would be potentially 'better'.

- America's dreamers' view of the Successful Businessman (note, 'Man') would describe his core skills as efficient, effective, adaptive and broadly competent to deal with all challenges that might face American POTUS. (Certainly better than the normal politics-reared POTUS).
- American culture is one of 'Image', not necessarily reality, as we have increasingly come to realize.
- Businessmen don't have to be honest or produce safe products or abide by laws and regulations - it's more a game of 'de facto success'.
- 'De Facto Success' can mean not getting caught through bribery or political leverage.

- With Trump, America has had its POTUS-businessman dream actualized ...and has discovered some underlying sobering truths about dreams, businessmen, politics, motivations, men in particular, corruption and money.
- Through Trump, America has discovered that a successful (appearing) businessman does not mean being good at business. It can also mean he is the 'sharkiest' shark, the shadiest thief, the most brutal of brutes, the least ethical....etc., in whatever fishbowl where he is found.

- SURVIVAL BY ANY MEANS - is this the 'Truth' of America?
- Through Trump, America has discovered that what can motivate the businessman is solely money. In fact it appears that business success can mean a different kind of 'Zen' where profit focus and maximization is the end-all and valuation of all effort.

- America has discovered a 'Truer' nature of MONEY!. Money 'appears' to be the 'end-all' of everything, today.
- Money is not all that good (helpful to society broadly) when all the money is concentrated at the top.
- Money tends to corrupt principle, especially it seems the principles assumed to be the core of democratic systems.

Oct...TB Continued. Here.

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