Monday, March 18, 2024

About The Origin of The Universe: How Can Nothingness be Described? Do We Even Have the Vocabulary to Think On this?

The Perched Eye blog is 15 years old,  from 2009 with President Obama's election. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the styles and directions of American politics and culture, with an occasional comment on the impact of new technologies. Our observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted.


This blog post builds on my Medium article (Medium, March 16, 2024), which ponders the renewed scientific and public interest and questions about cosmology, reality, being, and 'Nothingness' (Plato, Copernicus, Nietzsche, Kant. Planck, Heisenberg's Quantum Uncertainty Principle, ...and us-in-the-Peanut Gallery:

Cosmology 02: Before the Big Bang: Was There ‘Nothing’ (a ‘No Thing?’). Are ‘We’ Virtual Shadows, Too? Will Ignoring the Question Make Life Better? (So Many Conundrums These Days!)

Until the 2021 launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the public was non-involved (or uninterested) in the question of the origin of the universe.  

From JWST's first feedback observations in 2022, public interest in our universe has skyrocketed. 

The public's interest has now expanded, evolved, and joined the scientific community to ask important questions like:

 'What is our universe, exactly? 
Is our universe 'Real, or Virtual?' 
'What is Reality?'  
 Is our universe bounded, or is it infinite?' 
'Is there only 'our' universe, or are there multiple universes?' 

More questions are appearing as humanity's vocabulary evolves in nuance following the lead of our technological advances.

The Fanni Willis (Fulton County, GA) Issue Is Settled, and Now Ms. Willis Can Get On With Shredding Trump (As She Has Done So Well))

The Perched Eye blog is 15 years old, was created in 2009 after President Obama's election. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the styles and directions of American politics and culture, with an occasional comment on the impact of new technologies. Our observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted.


Personally, I am going to stop critiquing Georgia's Fulton County DA, Fanni Willis's choice to, mid-case, take up with her consultant-co prosector team member, Mr Nathan Wade, and give thanks that she is still on the case.  

BUT, AS A LAST PERSONAL ADVISEMENT,  FANNI WILLIS EARNED A LOW GRADE FROM ME BY TAKING UP WITH WADE MID-CASE... thus allowing the Defense to inflate/falsely construct a hint of conflict-of-interest. 

BUT NOTE: the Defendant team also has an attorney 'couple'.  The difference is how it 'LOOKS' to the public eye. (The defense team's couple is a humanizing, public relations 'plus.') 

'Looks', though not illegal, should always be a significant factor to an experienced legal jurist Willis. who took her eye 'off the ball' for personal emotion. 

 IMO, also, the judge's  'decision' has more the LOOK of a personal comment more in line with a rural county judge.  Nevertheless, the judge did the prosecution a favor by settling the 'Looks' question. 

Willis' choice between remaining on the case or taking up with her employee, Co-Prosecutor Wade, was the professional woman's option (with 'normal' consequences/risks.)  Willis' slip was not a womens' rights thing..because a male prosecutor would face even stronger handling by an attentive press who could paint a picture of sexual bribery. (It all depends on POV.)