Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Post-Midterm, Republicans Look in the Mirror for Solutions to Their Lacking Performance…They blame SingleWomen For Not Supporting Them But Are Still Frightened of Diversity

  The Perched Eye blog is 12+ years old, beginning from 2009 with President Obama's election. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the shapes and directions of American politics and culture, with occasional comments on the potential impact of new technologies. Pericles21's observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted. 

‘Republicans Looking in the Mirror’ (with full-on, myopic admiration of themselves) appears to be a significant political meme for 21st century American politics. What Republicans see reflected are their own images that they approve of mightily with only minor adjustments of eyeliner, hair tint, or toupees. 

How...'Buffo' are the Republican Party (with males playing female parts.) How 'Rabelaisian' in their idiotic and farcical obstinacy. How not enjoyable yet intellectually fascinating, as a natural disaster can be sometimes.

Meanwhile, when not admiring themselves, Republicans expend an unholy effort to remold the reality of the world around them to fit their private, gender-race exclusive view of what the world ‘Should’ look like. (And they genuinely appear puzzled as to why the world does not want to kneel to their view of things.)

Republicans seem not to like the majority of Americans (as evidenced by their losing the popular vote in the last 5 or so POTUS elections, even though they ‘rigged’ 2 presidencies in that period.) 

But those voter signals haven't persuaded the Republican Party to broaden its base with more inclusive appeals and policies, even though they cry and complain why the broad American voters don't like them.

Republicans need to tap into the American voter diversity, but they shy away from diversity of all kinds and instead worship their mirrors. But ‘what the Hell’, political shannigans (and foreign campaign money, thanks to the Roberts Court) can change that, right? ‘Not’, per the last mid-terms.

The latest Republican farce is the complaint that their shockingly ‘less’ mid-term performance was because all those terrible “single women” didn’t show up to vote for a homogeneously white male political party that is singularly patriarchal, ‘retro’, misogynist, and racist (by the preferred absence of skin ‘tint’, except for burnt orange from a tube).

Owing to that ‘betrayal’ (shed a tear) by those single women, Republicans shakily ‘won’ the House but with nowhere near the ‘Red Tsunami’ they expected, and crowed about as they counted chickens that would hatch from rotten eggs.

What are those Republican, white male exclusionists to do? Why 'obviously', find other scapegoats. (Ah, there they are - single women..."that's the ticket" for sure.)

Meanwhile, America’s diverse audience has left the theater, leaving Republicans to creak open faded curtains on Act 2, mascared actors and all.

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