Thursday, October 20, 2022


 The Perched Eye blog is 12+ years old,  from 2009 with President Obama's election. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the ways and directions of American politics and culture, and occasionally commenting on the potential impact of new technologies. Pericles21's observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted. 


So, ‘Liz’ Truss resigned as Prime Minister (UK) on October 20, 2022 — after only 44 days in office, the shortest since 1827 when Tory George Canning died in office after 118 days. 

Her resignation speech is here — a signal example of a nationalist word salad of conservative slogans and hopeful but flawed illogic that some conservatives love to mouth but flounder on after a short time that shows how hollow those slogans actually are.

Ms. Truss makes the fifth UK prime minister in six years — the fastest turnover in nearly a century.

What can one say except it’s about time for the global fantasy-dreaming about past nationalist ‘glory’ to end … the ‘days of sail’ and exploitative spice trade are long over.

The ‘Now’ has changed from the crawling pace of sailing ships to the dynamic, high-tech, increasingly information-driven supersonic age that is above all sustained by interdependent associations not standalone empires… no one country is now truly self-sustaining. Not even America.

Brexit,’ the UK withdrawal from the European Union has proved to be an economic flop run by a false performer in a clown suit and Halloween wig (several candidates here, but …).

What Truss’s resignation means is that political posturing and claiming a mantle of past glory is what it sounded like to many— hot air and opportunism that rapidly turns into a disaster for the naive voter and certainly for their nation.

The lineup of guilty politicians who've covered their true motives or lack of true smarts is long but includes such stars as BOJO (Boris Johnson, Truss’s predecessor), Vladimir Putin, and, of course, the current era’s grand wizard behind the curtain, Donald Trump.

Putin is perhaps a special case as he seems to have the naked power to take Russia down with him, but he will not soften in his pursuit of personal glory and the glow of Tsarist Russia.

Let’s hope the UK will regain its senses…and find a way to re-enter the EU (big problems there with lots of 'cold crow' for the UK to swallow, but it has to be done to save England from economic collapse). And let’s hope the American path doesn’t curve back to Trumpism.

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