Saturday, July 9, 2022


The Perched Eye blog is 12+ years old,  from 2009 with President Obama's first term. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the ways and directions of American politics and culture, and occasionally summarizing the potential impact of new technologies. Pericles21's observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted.                                                                                                                                                                                  -------------------

These are thoughts brought on by the recent slurry of mass shootings in Detroit, Wisconsin, and recently on July 4th, 2022, in Highland Park, Illinois. (SEVEN DEAD AND MORE THAN 39 WOUNDED.)  But Higland Park was not a singular American shooting over the Holiday weekend - in Chicago alone, more than 57 people were shot in that time.  But the response is the usual pablum it seems, from conservative media ...  by those droning, thoroughly-practiced voices speaking misinformation from constantly mirror-rehearsed faces that whine, wring hands and gloss over the fact that the shooters are all intentionally targeted and deeply researched and psychologically-profiled naive young brains they feed into…for big bucks…(and Murdoch is not even a natural American nor even a primary citizen of America).  

Oh, America...!. America has sold so much of our souls…to any ‘comer’ with the bucks…is this the definition of a “prostitute culture?” I think so.

Have mass shootings become America's too-real perpetual Halloween reality? It seems so. But what is worse is that the American political 'gear works' are frozen in place, unable to even discuss gun control or even delve into the causes of why is it nearly always the same shooter profile - the young, barely-adult-age white male. This is not coincidental and personally speaking, America's social structure needs to be investigated.

There is something strange, discordant, macabre, frightening, and unsettling why in America, a social and governmental stasis has occurred that seems to block any response to these shootings except to report them as just today's 'fix'....then we move on, expectantly holding our breaths for the next big-box killing. (Sorry, 'Big-Splash' killing.)

This blogger is enraged that the 'Why the killings?' hasn't been discussed, factors identified and solutions proposed. America is not stupid...although it might be venal to the extreme. But too many young white males are drifting off the path and killing too many people in 'one sitting' for these mass shootings not to be linked, 'a thing' unto themselves. Of course, it is all too clear that linking these killings is a taboo thing...there are tender racial-political-religious toes to protect and the NRA listens closely to control-talk...with open and deep pockets to line those of key congressional leaders...and it's all legal. Damn. 

“When are we going to ‘wise up and get very real’ about the actual perps, the puppet masters who fill young (nearly exclusively white) male brains with exaggerated self-images of superiority and exceptionalism over ‘lessers’ (read people of color)? All this seems to lead to self-loathing and destructive emotions among the targeted because they don’t, and can’t, live up to those comic book icons they are supposed to achieve in ‘real’ life? Of course, an adult or very-savvy youngster would know to reject what is obviously hyped to someone else’s advantage …but such ‘street wisdom’ is certainly not a skill of some young, impressionable, dissatisfied raised or living in the sanitized suburbs or in a typical ennui-filled existence of mashed-potatoes, experientially sound-proofed majority race American life. An American wasteland washed over by cacophonous ‘dread’, dread music with satanic under-voiced hints and sometimes explicit urgings to actually use one of Daddy’s deadly-looking gun-case items. Such is American life and such is an example of America’s ticket price to pay for living in the gear-works of the Golem. 

I consider myself a progressive Democrat, I was against executing Dylan Roof (instead of Sean Hannity and ilk). These sole shooter, ‘foundling’ (yet often parent-possessing) white males are set mentally adrift by a constant shit-stream of deliberately misinforming, inciteful BS spouted every day, every hour on the conservative media outlets. Those thoroughly practiced voices, and constantly mirror-rehearsed faces intentionally target and pose for the deeply researched, psychologically-profiled, and naive young brains they feed into…for big bucks…(and Murdoch is not even a natural American nor even a primary citizen of America). 

America has sold so much of our souls…to any ‘comer’ with the bucks…is this the definition of a “prostitute culture?” I think so.

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