Friday, April 10, 2020

From the Far Side of the Looking Glass, Or, ‘Life’ and Survival in the Lair of the Red (Orange) Queen - Pt 1

A Mantra of these Trump-times (it’s not you):
‘Delicious Consistency of Inconsistency’ (Grok-therapy) 

With the 2016 election, to many Americans, the majority by 3+ million votes, America stepped thru Alice’s  Looking Glass into an unceasing, day-by-day and escalating madness emanating from a dark place in the brain of what appears to be a chief executive of ‘greatly’ weirdness (D Trump) - who has single-handedly remade America, by comparison from rational previous presidencies, into a chaotic unreality resembling a pumpkin-head version of Alice’s Lair of the Red Queen...where each day’s new craziness is unrelated to the previous day; although, 3 or 4 months after the 2017 inauguration, and to this time, the lack of consistent sense and logic has become in itself a ‘consistency’ in a warped, mind-numbing way. Briefly put, the Trump years have not been a peaceful place to live. (And his reservoir of crazy seems bottomless and full of nasty, rotted blood long ago sucked from victims by a goblin-vampire (the worst) who is running rampant through All of America, ‘us’ and ‘them’!)

The mantra of these Trump-times:
‘Delicious Consistency of Inconsistency (Only the Mentally Challenged Can Grok!)’

All of Trumps hate and weirdness should have been bled out long before now, but it keeps coming.

And now look at us. PANDEMIC!?  And then the Red Queen’s mock-friendly, ‘I’m your Pal’, southern church people...‘Yeah, sure, go on now, only I understand, not them scientists, you just go to your Easter Church (fools)’

Yup what’s even more infuriating is we really don’t know, understand the real ‘nature of  the’s game’.

[Note: President Obama left for his successor an operational, fully staffed, pandemic alert and response system ...which of course the Red Queen quickly demolished after inauguration. Go figure. No, don’t  waste time and energy figuring, because it’s all consistent with the new crazy. You just don’t get it, yet.]

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