Saturday, January 19, 2019

AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Congresswoman and Evolving American Icon): And the Conservatives' Conundrum

The Conservatives' response to AOC seems a subject for serious socio-political study and crosses over from just normal, adolescent frat boy, GOP name calling into territory that often appears to be a psychological disorder, a barely hidden, twisted, nay unrequited worship (shudder) oedipal 'wanna-be-her' fixation. Debate this opinion if you must but it must be given time to think about.

This theme was recently elaborated about in Umair Haque's January 19, 2019, piece in the webzine,, linked to his webblog 'Eudamonia'. Umair's article is titled, "Why AOC Short-Circuits the Conservative Mind, (Why) The Universal Mother is the Antidote to the Authoritarian Father". One of Umair's insightful analyses is:
Have you noticed how conservatives are helplessly attracted to AOC — utterly beguiled by her, unable to resist her magnetic pull, tumbling into her orbit like flaming meteors — but are also, at the very same time, hopelessly perplexed as to how to deal with her? A little bit like sixth grade boys? Should they insult her, mock her, taunt her, push her down into the sand — or learn from her, admire her, understand her? Why can’t they seem to stop thinking about her, anyways? ARRRGGH!

Pericles offers the following thoughts following along Umair's theme.
--------Pericles21 Post-------

Pericles21 is tempted to offer, in a mood of impatience with the GOP and their troglodyte membership, a terse comment:
Break yourself, Mr Conservative hater, no matter how many adolescent tears, interrupted sleep and unrequited, hidden feelings (the Conservative 'Way' is never to show human , err, humane emotions) ... you'll never impress Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez in the way you dream about. Break yourself. Never happen. So sorry for you.

Earlier, on January 17, 2019, Pericles21 had posted an endorsement of a piece about AOC in the Dailykos webzine, 'Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Uses Wording Many [Conservatives and conservative-minded]are Upset with, but, I'm here to defend her" [mixed caps are actually present in the original piece but might be edited in updates]: AOC is the ‘now’, her detractors are not. The new Millenials, who AOC is a member of and politically represents, are a diverse, multilingual American generation reflecting in their language skills the communication requirements of a current, diverse world.  'Thank you' for an OAC able to use her Millenial word skills to tailor speech to any occasion and purpose. While the ‘Thuglicans’ are ripping off America, AOC voters and supporters do comprehend and appreciate her delicious humor because it speaks to them and sardonically confuses her detractors. The motto of the Millennial generation might be ‘You have to live it understand it’. Millenial gestalt. Keep that in mind. AOC often seems a 21st century Mencken.

Pericles21's post on the subject of 'AOC' as an evolving American icon (after all, AOC earned political success the American way, working to rise from the urban grass roots. How much more 'Now' can it be wanted to get respect.

aKudos, Mr Haque. AOC is a delight. And likewise a delight, though highly farcical, nay the ultimate choking guffaw, is the Conservatives' response to her, their frustrated confusion. But not often seen directly stated, but no doubt is subliminal and highly exciting in every male conservative’s mind is this conundrum - that although AOC and her ‘sisters’ are ideologically, gender wise and/or racially the ‘other’, and are hence forbidden to be regarded as equals because they live on the far side of the ‘lines’ Conservatives have programmed themselves not to cross.

Conservatives want AOC! And not in a healthy way and they secretly in-the-closet know it. They covet her and so want to disobey the twisted self-boundaries that rule their hate filled lives. ‘Oh lordy’, they want that freedom. But Conservatives can’t acknowledge ‘ALL THAT” barely to themselves and especially publicly. Not to friends, family, their Party (GOP), their pets (who laughingly, in pet intuition, already know their masters are mind-cuffed but wanting wanting AOC and her sister modern women in their clumsy neanderthal way. But Conservatives know, in their material-possessive custom, they can’t get near an AOC female, not in a million years while they are wearing their mental (sometimes real) ankle and wrist (and...?) horsehair bracelets and barbed-wire undershirts. Not ever, no how.

Worse than being emotionally self-lobotomized, Conservatives know why they can’t ever get next to an AOC sister: they have THE PROBLEMS — racism, genderism, can’t dance-ism, all that and more that 'they' have (they being everyone who can dance, etc); Conservatives live in just plain hate (‘why do you hate me, god’).

Plus, Conservatives can’t go anymore to the good ole 'cures' for THE PROBLEMS — you know, cures like rape of minority women (god forgives them of that brand of miscegenation), lynching in the public square, public insulting at one’s whim, capricious whipping to brighten a bad day, cross-burning … those good ole fun things.

In today’s diverse America of beautiful, sharp and capable women of whatever color even of whatever politics (even Thuglican women are ‘crossing over’), Conservatives are in danger of becoming the disadvantaged and socially inept, the left out, the embarrassing and excluded from polite, mutually respectful society. Conservatives are looking like a royally gored, truly f..d cult. Conservative women, as Bessie said, ‘better watch your man’, but generally women know, or ought to know, what's up ...having been given 'the short end of the stick' for so long, regardless of race or politics. So Conservatives, can’t get no satisfaction? Break yourself, Mr Conservative, there's no pity for you.

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