Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Please Media, Stop Using the Word 'Deal'...Already

This post was motivated by Cody Fenwick's May 9, 2018, article in the 'Alternet' website (Here's the Most Frightening Part of the Trump's Speech on the Iran Deal)
America has sunk so low,...but worse('ly', a clue) America sank so quickly and thoroughly as if our own Constitution has operated aginst its own best interests, or saw it's fabled broad-stroke genius dissipate like morning dew when faced with a coarse thief come into the Oval Office. As bad as the slimy scum dragged behind the tails of Trump and his henchmen that Special Counsel Mueller (DOJ) is now revealing almost daily is how easy were the con jobs. Or, as we are finding out, the cons were made easy by the wide participation of nearly every venal and greedy 'wise guy' across all areas of government, media and nations...and the Mother-con was seeded almost a decade ago by our boy Trump's escapades in thoroughly scripted, baited and filmed.

What is it with this 'Deal' bizness? Even the mainstream media now often use the term as if 'Deal' somehow marks the newspaper or blogsite or speaker as 'au courant' and kind of 'MayFair-ish' in a kind of deliberate declasse' slang as if in sly reverse adoption but in reality probably simply youngish writers or reporters or television face people looking to make bank by appealing to what they think are the crass and 'easy' American masses who gobble up that junk. In fact, 'Deal' is so trivializing of the work of real experts who think very hard about not only immediate but secondary (of course) and often tertiary (third level) and higher level consequences and interpretations of legitimate Treaties, Pacts, Acts and legislation.

'Deal' is so depressing when applied to professional diplomacy and governing. 'Deal' lacks the mark of intelligence and expertise (notice who uses the term the most?). 'Deal signifies 'quick toss-offs' not deep thought and suggest an inability to think deeply. "Deal' is quick and whimsical impermanence, a 'that was then, this is now' adolescent illogic spoken by people one has by often bad experience learned to avoid.

'Deal' denotes back alley trades in hot and/or defective goods among thieves, con men and dark corner rascals of the 1940's and '50-ish era... and, of course, 'Deal' aptly describes the slippery, low life ways of the current occupier of the White House...and his crew of ruffians, thugs, and cutpurses.

America has sunk so low,...but worse (ly )America appears paralyzed in the headlights of the unbelievable chicanery of an illegitimate chief executive whose phony cries and whimpers before the 2016 election, that he might lose because of an election rigging conspiracy, were telling us like a lit-up billboard that he was deep in conspiracy to rig the election in his favor. But America couldn't bring ourselves to believe what our eyes saw and our ears heard.

First, the media world needs to stop using the word 'deal' to describe serious, grown-up nations' 'Treaties' or 'Agreements' or 'Acts'., such as with Iran. 'Deal' has no place in modern diplomacy and reeks of chicanery and falseness...but look who has brought 'deal' into mainstream use. 'Deal' equates to America joining the crowd of yesteryear's'carnival hawkers of rigged shooting galleries and sellers of stolen-or-defective goods (horse traders of drugged up lame horses were hung). 'Deal' is just so 'de-classe' with no place in the vocabulary of a global leading nation...has America sunk so low?
Second, Trump's obsession against everything Obama accomplished is scary. Trump needs intervention but the craven GOP keeps him floating just a little bit longer for his usefulness in continuing/disguising home-district corruption and manipulating the emotions of backwater voters.
Third, Trump seems now to blatantly further the interests of Russia and we know now (House Intell Committee bipartisan report of May 8, 2018) that Trump has been on the payroll, through Michael Cohen, of Kremlin money. Iran's nuclear potential was comfortably under control and Trump tried but has been unsuccessful in destabilizing the Iran situation...largely through the common sense and savvy of America's European allies who have caught on to Trump's tricks (and personal instability, phoniness and being a puppet). Harsh words but the fog is lifting as high noon approaches.

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