This is surreal comedy on one hand, but the descent into the murk gets really dark when Russian intelligence (the Fixer-Lawyer Cohen's cigar buddies) join the scene. And to take it all to the bottom, Dedito's (slavish bootlicking of Russia and especially Putin's ego) looks really like not only does Dedito know Putin more than what America, or Trump's wife, would like, but it's becoming more clear by the day that Putin has Dedito not only by his little twisted fingers but his little cojones.
The picture coming out, to this blogger, is of a masterful scheme to break America by gaining control of America's constitutional estates - the chief executive by Constitution (but which has morphed into an infallible kingship in the minds of many Americans especially the religious right), the courts (the obstructions of Obama appointees by the Republican Congressional majority), the press (thru the 'hard-right' media with entertainers like Sean Hannity, and with hard right media entertainment 'news' like Fox News), and ultimately a completely clueless, amoral, profiteer con artist President, Trump ('Rico Dedito' aka 'Little Fingers Going Down on Racketeering'.
How did this crew gain the White House? By Collusion...but the colluding parties get more numerous and ominous in extent, influence and total subjugation to a master scheme probably set in motion 20 years ago and controlled at least largely by Russian leader, shadow-not-really-defunct KGB master, GRU boss, Mafioso Don, Vladimir Putin. And there are probably more, but less visible mega-players at work. And everything at play is dancing to the script of a master playright (s) whose identity may never see sunlight.
And Hannity's role? He claims not to have used Cohen (Trump's off-and-on Fixer and a guy with 3 clients) and says he might have thrown "ten bucks" now and then to Cohen...and knowing how the chief wise guy, Trump, telegraphs his moves, Hannity probably did give ten bucks to Cohen to satisfy a legal 'show', 'see, I paid him for telling me where to buy the best lawnmower'...for my condo high rise apartment. Meaning? The conversation was all about transfer of communication having nothing to do with legal SERVICE... but much to do with passing instructions and coordinating messages to and from Hannity and his world of hard-right Putin-puppets, and Trump's camp. How else was/is Trump to know what to say, when and how? Think about it, 'Ten Bucks' keeps things nice and friendly ...'don't it Mr Mueller, please'?