Wednesday, June 28, 2017

America at the Crossroads: Empire or Republic? All the Pieces Are On the Board!

Alternatively, the title of this post might have been, 'America's New Caligula' - Donald Trump!

What? Questionnable taste? Then, how do You describe America's current political bad dream? Pericles21 sees too close a parallel between America after November 8, 2016 and Emperial Rome under the Emperor Caligula, maybe its grossest, most decadent leader ever. And now we have Trump.

'Caligula' (Little Boots, 'Bootsie' in Latin) based on the root 'Caliga' the oversized Legionaire boots that Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (Caligula) marched around in as a child in his father's Roman military outpost in Germany.

And America has 'DediTo' (DT, Little Fingers, 'Fingers' in Latin) based on a physically noticeable featuture of America's latest president.

(more coming.)

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