Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Election 2016: The Next American President - America Badly Needs A Woman POTUS (And The Warren Factor)

This post responds to Leslie Salzillo's article on May 3, 2016 in the Dailykos website: "Elizabeth Warren on Donald Trump's Republican win: 'Here's what else is real...'.

First, let's cut right to the core - there has been a lot of proposing various candidate 'tickets' for both parties. As of May8, it appears Donal Trump will be the Republican nominee for President unless, by some expected but not really likely drama from Trump's rivals-proved-Wimps, the Republican Party succeeds in wrestling itself to the mat and excises Trump.

On the other hand, the Democratic Party seems to have a problem of another kind,..but still odd in its way: who perhaps is best to run as Presidential nominee along with Senator Elizabeth Warren as Vice President?

The election picture is kind of upside-down. We first start with Senator Warren, the real deal - genuine, 'you-get-what-you-see', articulate, really pissed off and communicates that without histrionics, deadly on point all the time, un-questionned integrity and believable. Then with that out of the way, we next ponder who will best complement Warren - will it be Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton? My point is 'what does this 'logic' tell us?'WHo really are we all agreed on is the best candidate for President?

Second, as for POTUS, there is an 'American Crisis' at hand that needs a new leadership paradigm different from past war-focused, testosterone-driven presidents and chaos. Don't agree? Then just think about the 'why and what' is going on about Donald Trump who is ultimate example of 'out-of-control' testosterone strangeness and threat to darken America's young political history. Trump's 'solutions' are ..'what'...other than loud 'woofing'? Should Trump get into the White House, expect anything but solutions to America's problems.

What is current America? America appears currently almost terminally lost, drifting and dis-functionional. And too many Americans of both political parties share that opinion ...which is why we have the curious phenomenon where Trump and Sanders supporters are seen to be mutually exchangeable should either one drop out (sanders) or be forced out (Trump).

Our oligarchist, facist-capialisteconomy has raped, plundered and ruined the planet and almost completed the same horror on the home front. War-making testosterone, ala Trump, has no real solutions. American needs to lick its self-inflicted wounds and heal. Trump can't do that...but maybe Trump is the bad-tasting medicine America needs to hold its nose from and swallow.

Obama's election was a moment of 'now its your turn', American minorities. (Even tho, imho, Obama doesn't really qualify as an 'American' minority...he just coincidentally shares the same color of many home-grown African-Americans but his social upbringing is not that of an African-American raised in the straight-jacket of American prejudice and discrimination towards African-Americans. Obama's african-american affiliation is more a choice.)

America now, desperately, NEEDS a female POTUS, an intelligent individual with a female sense of 'making things right' and restoring America's social health and confidence. Warren appears to have these qualities, and more ... in Aces.

Bernie Sanders is a kind of 'Alice in Wonderland' furry creature - well-intentioned and harmless but of what real effectiveness?

Hillary, on the other hand, appears to be un-furry but is she real or a retro Margaret Thatcher act about 40 years out of tune both politically and gender-wise. If Hillary is elected, she is urged to study the Thatcher years to avoid that model.

In this writer's mind, Senator Warren is the class of the Democratic Party's current two contenders despite her never having entered a primary. And she is just as qualified, if not more, than President Obama was when he ran, successfully, for President. The country has benefitted by Obama's steady hand at the tiller. Senator Warren can do that and she has the fire that was banked in Obama's style. Warren has shown she will not face away from Republicans and will call 'BS' on the Republicans whenever they roll out their blocking and do-nothingness. And Warren will slipthe knife in with style and grace. America has work to do and needs to get moving...America needs a Warren, not a Trump who has figured out how to 'game' the working (now unemployed/underemployed) class, white American, lost-and-drifting, male.

The Democratic Party has high regard and respect for Hillary Clinton. The Democrat Party appears to have reserved for Hillary the woman whom the Party would like to reward as the first woman President of the United States. And Hillary appears to be much more qualified (experience-wise and by intelligence measure) than the apparent Republican Party candidate, Donald Trump. Still,among Democrats, there is a 'But factor' that is surfacing in the minds and discussion about this very critical and important 2016 election - Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is smoother than Mrs Clinton and appears to be more than Trump can handle, TV debate-wise and in the sticky, twisty corners of the social web, i.e., 'Twitter', etc..

'We' (the nation and especially Democrats) know Elizabeth Warren. We have witnessed her consistently high level of work in Washington as a new Senator and after the 2008 economic collapse as a special resource 'loan' from academia (Harvard). We know where she stands on national priorities, especially the economy and the interests of the 'lesser 99%'- the 'Common Good' interests of education, healthcare and especially equitable taxes on the rich and corporations to resolve the current vast and scandalous economic inequality between the upper 1% and the rest of the '99%' of Americans.

Elizabeth Warren appears to be custom-made for this challenge. The post by Pericles21:
Senator Elizabeth Warren seems to be the common, ‘wingman’ denominator in maybe everyone’s ideal presidential ticket — whether ‘Hillary-Warren’ or ‘Sanders-Warren’. Aren’t these associations messages of another reality about our assessment of Warren as a quality person, and when will it come to our minds that ‘President Warren’ makes sense?

However, in the thinking of Pericles21 (myself), there is another perspective to the Democratic Party's options regarding Senator Warren, and that is how best to utilize Senator Warren... if the Party chooses not to run her as the candidate for the Presidency. That is a challenge of choice. To my thinking, Senator Warren is not a resource to be wasted on the Vice Presidency who seems, with all highest regard and appreciation for Joe Biden's knightly service as Vice President (America should have this honorary title), to traditionally reside in the background of most things going on in every administration. (Probably the result of every President's alpha-male proclivity to 'rule the roost'.) Senator Warren should not be lost to America as anyone's closeted Vice President. (And likewise, I would not rest easy with Bernie Sanders experience, wisdom and skills lost to America in the choke-cloak of 'Vice President Sanders'.)

The resolution? Personally speaking, Warren must be 'run' (by the Party 'deciders', who decide all things at that level) as the Presidential candidate or be reserved, with continued stellar service, as a 'senior-qualified' Senator to 'ripen-on-the-vine' for a future presidential campaign...if the country survives because it appears, from the wild but not-completely-a-surprise popularity of faux-populist Trump, America is caught in an ice-flow towards a 'Niagra Falls' collapse of any remaining faith in the ability of the system to balance the scales and pay attention to long-overlooked, taken-for-granted needs of the 'common' citizen, that is to say, 99% of America and that's too high a percentage of Americans who are nearing terminal hurt.

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