Sunday, December 28, 2014

Is The Great Singularity Still Coming?

Much has been said about an approaching 'Singularity' in human cultural organization and behavior, and even in the nature of human existence at its core, i.e. should/will 'we' cast aside our bio-bodies and go-fearlessly (or somewhat fearlessly) into a #GreatNebulo of new existence defined as a world of virtuality wherein humanity will exist as cyber imprints within vast but nanoscale arrays of massive-memory-quantum-computing-systems (#MMQCS).

One major voice predicting the approach of a Singularity is Ray Kurzweil.

I laud Kurzweil. Though retired as a practicing (materials and quantum) scientist, I've diligently followed the scientific journals and have developed 'hobbies' in advanced technologies such as energy and nanotech.

I discovered 'Kurzweil' long after coming to my own opinion that humankind was headlong racing to a #techno-cultural-conjointure that will be marked by an explosive utilization of massively rapid technological advancement resulting in a complete transformation of humankind - its signatures such as culture, cities, and even human formats. By 'human formats', I mean body shapes, functions or even the future need for bodies. In short, I felt 10 years ago and more so today from looking out at our American culture as perhaps the prime example of techno-cultural change, humanity has not long to go before experiencing a 'Great Transformation' which will be advented by crossing a technological threshold most likely in bio-cyber areas. This will lead fairly overnight to 'going cyber', virtual existence, or #LivingInTheCloud. The technologies will be the combination of:
#SentientArtificialIntelligence (#SAI),
#NanoTechMassiveMemoryAssemblies (#NTMMA), #NanoscaleQuantumComputing (utilizing #ExtendedCubitQuantumScaling (#ECQS),
and nano-engineering, including #Nanoscale-Space-Temporal-Propulsion (#NSTP) which will require immensely less energy (10exp-15 factor?) than human scale space craft. Others might estimate different ratios but the general picture is painted.

These breakthroughs will mean unlimited lifetimes and opportunities to investigate the universe via ultimately #NanoArkAssemblies ( millions of personalities contained in nanoscale-memory-computing systems).

Kurzweil and others speak of the 'Singularity' happening in terms of several hundred years. I believe, knowing a little of how DARPA works, 100 years or less will be required. I would not be shocked if DARPA (or international combine of cooperating government agencies despite lower level disagreements) has already progressed well along this general technological route.

In summary, I feel Kurzweil and others show a maybe more-than-mild degree of obsolescence in their predicted timeline for the occurrence of The Singularity. (And once real threshold-crossing occurs, there will be a succession of Singularities marked, and caused, by technologies and implemented-cyber-concepts well beyond what we can fantasize about today.

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