Monday, July 20, 2009

The Personal Lives of Our Kultural Icons - Politicians, Make Us Believe, Please

There is a kultural monster shading us all with its shadow as we "discuss" (gossip, criticise, etc) the extra-marital antics of our political icons. This Golluminous entity is America's idealized personal standards which a politician must appear to meet to get elected (and which no mere human can satisfy). Then of course, we are a most manipulatable people who appear to love to be deceived. We are addicted to the stroking and wooing from our political candidates who belong only to us. Their wives and families we allow to exist as long as they know who's first in the line of favorites of the candidates, and of course the winner of our affections. Further, despite the continued past failures of our political heroes to live up to our standards, and by all reasonable thought processes will continue to fail in the future, we so love the experience of a moment's (maybe the first 100 days) feeling that the One has finally arrived. I am not a psychologist but isn't this kultural neurosis? It's a wonder that the very warped (or at best, disguising) individuals who, naturally, gain our approval to live in the White House or governors' mansions, haven't long ago ruined the nation and states. On the other hand, since America comes close to ruin in predictable cycles, a realistic explanation must link up a matrix of factors including the our American innocence (a tired act), our gullibility and lastly our desire to to be seduced.

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