Monday, June 22, 2009

GOP : A Lesson of Non-Survival from the Past - the Ruin of the Roman Empire because of Too Much Looking Back for Answers to the Present

James J. O'Donnell (Provost, Georgetown University) writes that in the sixth century the Roman Empire failed largely by not being able to keep up with change both inside the empire and in the world outside. Instead of coming up with new ideas and policies, Rome adopted a conservative outlook and blindly held on to beliefs and policies (ideologies) of the past (James J. O'Donnell, The Ruin of the Roman Empire: HarperCollins e-books, 2008). Professor O'Donnell describes, in Rome's moment of crisis, the empire's leaders desparately needed to understand how Rome was changing and how Rome might adapt to new nations and rivals. Instead, Rome chose to be true to its past ambitions and accomplishments, with catastropic consequences and the end of the empire. Dr. O'Donnell writes:
Old errors are easy to reenact—as fading empires, bereft of self-awareness,struggle again to use their old power to preserve themselves, and in so doing risk weakening beyond repair; as religious communities mistake their faith for destiny and find pretexts for behavior that goes beyond even the unconscionable and the imaginable...[and generate] a noisy anxiety of those who would transform — that is, ruin — what they do not understand.

Dr. O'Donnell advises a current path for America: calmness, pragmatism and putting aside fear of the future.

However, the GOP appears to be repeating the demise of 500AD Rome. GOP is so out of touch it can only dig in its heels at every intellectual or policy challenge facing America that calls out for change and say "No".

To be sure, the world and America are undergoing rapid changes. But to many Americans, the quickened pace and new directions are exciting challenges because they point to welcomed "Change" by providing opportunities for new ideas and policies. While the majority of Americans and the world are putting their shoulders to the wheel and helping to dig out solutions, the GOP seems without a clue except to vainly, desparately do absolutely nothing and to block all forward movement. The best the GOP seems capable of is to plaintively invoke the old shibboleth of "Reaganism".

The plight of GOP spokespersons is clear: they appear empty-minded and lacking new ideas that are appropriate for current times. Sadly, also, the GOP have perfected the art of embarassingly bad-behavior such as making adolescent, racist jokes at awkward and ill-timed moments(Limbaugh, Beck, Bachman, Hannity, et al). The GOP show is so ragged it is hard to look at. Are GOP truly that bereft of ideas, honor, maturity, self-respect? 'Fraid so. But,.... the tickets are free to those of us watching the clown in center ring.

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