Monday, April 13, 2009

Pirate Shooting in Somalia - The Vampire Press and Post-Killing Morbidness

While one is relieved the American captain is safe, and impressed with the President Obama's measured contemplation and final use of American military, the American media is exhibiting a (expected?) morbid fascination with the killing - the tools, the strike delivered unknown to the pirates, the absoluteness of the quick and deadly. One thinks: are these media heads wishing they could be on the receiving end of such quick and deadly lightning from heaven? Is that coming next - interviews with the newly dead pirates assisted by well-known Mediums and clairvoyants? Imagine this conversation from some media center - "Hey there, Mr. Pirate, tell us how you feel about leaving this orb so unexpectedly? Did it hurt? What'd you have for lunch that day? How are you being treated now? How many, exactly, virgins are in your quarters right now? What's the scoop on Gabriel? How 'bout them Seals, huh?"

Seriously, dialog was offered but rejected by the pirates, and unfortunately for the pirates deterrent force was used. Plus the pirates sought to illegally profit in the worst way from food and supplies going to help their own folk. The lesson given here is how the new Administration (President Obama) will operate - an open door for discussion, but please take advisement - don't act out and push matters causing the President to bring in the Marines, Seals, etc.

Hope the Navy Seals don't succumb to media pressures to join this circus and be interviewed - interviews are so un-Seal-like and cover-blowing. Killing is not something to be proud of - prayers for the dead pirates and their families. Hope the blowback from the pirates will not make us regret this action. But, "thanks" Seals for rescuing an innocent American ship captain. SF.

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