Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jindal, Palin, Steele, Volcanoes, Oh My

What is going on with the Republican Party? There is some serious high weirdness happening every minute with them. It just seems like the Repubs have lost it. The global evolution has run away from them and all they can come up with are racial insults, snickering and adolecent word play,"stop the train" feet dragging, or crazy ideas crafted to derail all of us.

One clue, the smart money Republican professional politicians started to voluntarily drop out of the re-election races a year ago. So much for serving the nation, but what did we think most Republicans were in office for anyway (joined by Illinois governors, sadly).

But the trio in the headline is too much. Choke. This crew is the happening, right now, in your face GOP? Like a slap with a wet kleenex! Hip Hop revolutionaries? And after Obama's great speech to the American people, Jindal minces down a dark hallway to mock volcano monitoring when for real, Alaska right now is waiting for the mother of volcano eruptions that just might kill thousands in Alaska, Japan, tidal waves across the Pacific...what absurd ignorance. What?

Jindal's speech (?) after Obama's address was like a sparrow trying to keep up with an eagle. And what was that, generously speaking, semi-slide, dance step Jindal showed as he ...jeez, this is embarrassing..twinkle toed down the hall to the microphone? WTF. Palin, Steele, Jindal. Jeez.

What is curiously shared by Jindal and Steele, both men of color, is how they manage to cozy up to out-and-out racists. In the campaign, Palin did her bit of cozying in the deep red belt, too, but Wasilla (Alaska, her home town)is rumored to be just a colder red belt, tweaker colony.

I dont like this move by the Repubs. One can disagree honestly with an opposing political view because one is afterall a believer in the principles of two party government. But it just seems like the Repubs have lost it. The global evolution has run away from them and all they can come up with is either insults, snickering and adolecent word play,"stop the train" feet dragging, or crazy ideas crafted to derail all of us. They have left empty seats at the table as they wander off, maybe smoking fake cigarettes out behind the barn. Did the real Repubs take off in silver seeds to nowhere, their time came and they're gone and left this crew behind?

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