Monday, March 18, 2024

About The Origin of The Universe: How Can Nothingness be Described? Do We Even Have the Vocabulary to Think On this?

The Perched Eye blog is 15 years old,  from 2009 with President Obama's election. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the styles and directions of American politics and culture, with an occasional comment on the impact of new technologies. Our observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted.


This blog post builds on my Medium article (Medium, March 16, 2024), which ponders the renewed scientific and public interest and questions about cosmology, reality, being, and 'Nothingness' (Plato, Copernicus, Nietzsche, Kant. Planck, Heisenberg's Quantum Uncertainty Principle, ...and us-in-the-Peanut Gallery:

Cosmology 02: Before the Big Bang: Was There ‘Nothing’ (a ‘No Thing?’). Are ‘We’ Virtual Shadows, Too? Will Ignoring the Question Make Life Better? (So Many Conundrums These Days!)

Until the 2021 launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the public was non-involved (or uninterested) in the question of the origin of the universe.  

From JWST's first feedback observations in 2022, public interest in our universe has skyrocketed. 

The public's interest has now expanded, evolved, and joined the scientific community to ask important questions like:

 'What is our universe, exactly? 
Is our universe 'Real, or Virtual?' 
'What is Reality?'  
 Is our universe bounded, or is it infinite?' 
'Is there only 'our' universe, or are there multiple universes?' 

More questions are appearing as humanity's vocabulary evolves in nuance following the lead of our technological advances.

The Fanni Willis (Fulton County, GA) Issue Is Settled, and Now Ms. Willis Can Get On With Shredding Trump (As She Has Done So Well))

The Perched Eye blog is 15 years old, was created in 2009 after President Obama's election. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the styles and directions of American politics and culture, with an occasional comment on the impact of new technologies. Our observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted.


Personally, I am going to stop critiquing Georgia's Fulton County DA, Fanni Willis's choice to, mid-case, take up with her consultant-co prosector team member, Mr Nathan Wade, and give thanks that she is still on the case.  

BUT, AS A LAST PERSONAL ADVISEMENT,  FANNI WILLIS EARNED A LOW GRADE FROM ME BY TAKING UP WITH WADE MID-CASE... thus allowing the Defense to inflate/falsely construct a hint of conflict-of-interest. 

BUT NOTE: the Defendant team also has an attorney 'couple'.  The difference is how it 'LOOKS' to the public eye. (The defense team's couple is a humanizing, public relations 'plus.') 

'Looks', though not illegal, should always be a significant factor to an experienced legal jurist Willis. who took her eye 'off the ball' for personal emotion. 

 IMO, also, the judge's  'decision' has more the LOOK of a personal comment more in line with a rural county judge.  Nevertheless, the judge did the prosecution a favor by settling the 'Looks' question. 

Willis' choice between remaining on the case or taking up with her employee, Co-Prosecutor Wade, was the professional woman's option (with 'normal' consequences/risks.)  Willis' slip was not a womens' rights thing..because a male prosecutor would face even stronger handling by an attentive press who could paint a picture of sexual bribery. (It all depends on POV.) 

Saturday, October 28, 2023


The Perched Eye blog is 15 years old,  from 2009 with President Obama's election. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the styles and directions of American politics and culture, with an occasional comment on the impact of new technologies. Our observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted.

We are now experiencing an exponentially turbulent ‘FLOW OF CHANGES' that arguably began when human science entered the cusp of exponential technological evolution with the Quantum Science discussions and debates of Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg, 1927's Solvay Conference.) Classical Newtonian Rationalism began to blur and fade after this...supplanted by 'Uncertainty' and debate about what is real, or not, or both. 

And humanity began to understand that something 'more' was coming through that opened door... things unknown and unexpected, and things came rapidly after this, and increasingly more rapidly

We had entered a new world of CHANGE...Dynamic Change...Exponentially Dynamic Change. (Changes change, too.) 

But, our (unassisted) brains are not equipped with neuronic speeds fast enough to cope with exponential change. The result is damaging to the individual and our societies. Humanity will have to learn how to navigate the new Age of Exponential Change.


We are exiting the linear, gentler progression of human development that began with the Enlightenment, led us through the Industrial Revolution, and are now even exiting the cusp that leads radically upward (change-wise, if not for the better) to a near-vertical exponential-change curve where 'change' will be so rapid as to seem a day-to-day mental crisis.

Humanity is finding the post-Cusp, upward climb too steep, too rapidly changing, and increasingly confusing. Our brains are not equipped with neuronic speeds fast enough to cope with exponential change. The result is damaging to the individual and our societies.

 We are now on a difficult almost all aspects of human culture, ethnicity relations, physical health, personal and social mental stability,...and especially politics.  

‘Exponential’ change has become a perceptible determinant of our lives.

America currently leads in this too-rapidly-changing race to…where? And we seem lost and near-overwhelmed by it all - mass shootings in our schools, political shibboleths that operate against the Common Good (but are phrased in clever rhyme and meter to sound comforting, group inclusive, and other ego-appealing ways attractive to the uneducated and desperate...despite being factually against their best interests (a perception Perched Eye noted in 2009.)

CAN HUMANITY NAVIGATE THESE TIMES? (Can we gain control, or at least a working perspective on our Technology and our Future…as we think we want it to be? Or should we choose to continue in our self-driven state of chaos? Or should we try something new? 

Do we have Choices?  For the new? Are there any choices as the race gets faster to keep pace on the upward curve in this new Exponential Age?

The Age of Exponentialism is the 5th Wave that builds upon the shocks to the human psyche and society by modern change since the Industrial Revolution ... notably as written about in books such as Future Shock, Alvin Tofflfer, 1960), followed by Toffler’s “3rd Wave”(1980).  

The Third Wave was followed by the ‘4th Wave's’ writings and thouhts following along after Toffler, and characterized by literary musings in Sci-Fi (e.g., "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968Philip K Dick), analyses of psychoses, and predictions based on perceived changes and expectations resulting from the 3rd wave. 

IMO, the Fourth Wave emphasized ...technologically resultant discontinuities (Futurism, Singularity and Transhumanism (Kurzweil)); existential angst (RD Laing); and reactions to technological dominance, e.g., Expanionist Sentientcy & ‘Uber-sentiency’ (Nick Bostrom, David Pearce)

The Exponential Age difference is that changes are coming too quick to muse about one, or even one phase in particular. 

We must quickly learn to disregard momentary analyses, and simply give ourselves over to the ‘Flow of Change”. 

There will come a time when humanity will have a moment to rest (or rely on ‘Advanced Integrative Ai) and gain a perspective on our ‘state of being.’ Then, we may be able to consolidate our experience into moralities and ethics for the next steps up the Exponential Curve.

Change’ is now more a mental acknowledgment than an understanding.  Close-focusing is useless. Our brains are not equipped with neuronic speeds fast enough to cope with exponential change. Attempting close-focusing one minute loses sight od what is unflolding a minute later. The result is mind-bending, socially dissociating disaffect on the individual...all of which is socially disruptive.

Accelerating change is what mathematicians call 2nd (and higher order) differential change…i.e., changes in heretofore steady (linear straight line) change…with some key interspersed discontinuities (Age Defining Historicies.) 

We’ll just call Exponential Change:


The Age of Exponentialism is a non-linear, upward-accelerating curve of socio-technological change characterizing an increasingly more rapid evolution of human culture driven by technological advances that feed upon themselves (‘exponential change’)…resulting in such rapid changes that we humans have little time to learn new ‘stuff’and adjust.

Exponentialism originates from, is fed by, and supported with a mix of factors:

  • ET CONTACT (& DISCLOSURE). This event (or DOD release), accompanied by potential, open-source technology transfer will blow away every expectation and prediction — further advancement upward along the now vertical exponential curve will potentially (!) be hyper-radical. Humanity’s public reaction will be either a ‘Hollywood 6-month fascination’, or a major, permanent shift in human ‘ways’ (religion especially, racism, ethics, Ai progress and codes, …)…or, will ET have it’s own xenophobic response to trusting humans, and then..either we will be resentful that treasures and secrets are withheld, or we will remain ignorant of what ET doesn’t reveal to us…until we discover things for ourselves (ET policy might be to ‘give humans just enought to advance them a bit, but…watch and monitor);
  • ABSENT ET DISCLOSURE: Humanity will plot its own course up the Exponential curve.
  • Accelerating Information exchange… speed and formats;
  • Quantum Technologies (eg, the promise of quantum computing, (hyper-’parallelism’);
  • the soon-to-come-on-the-exponential curve‘ of applied QuantumEntanglement with ‘instantaneous’ transmission of messages and physical objects (prototypes already reported);
  • Artificial Intelligence — doing human ‘work’ faster and error free;
  • Neuro-science & technologyGenetics and Physiology — e.g., organ and limb regeneration, brain enhancement, artificial eyes…;
  • Virtual Living — as humans are freed from work, what do we do to occupy ourselves? Or, will this question become irrelevant…as we increasingly turn to virtual escapism?;
  • Cultural Reductionism of ‘culture’ to the essentials, the ‘irreducibles’(e.g., food, water, sanitation, air (!)…?). BUt will even these eventually become irrelevant as humanity goes full virtual?;
  • HUMANITY EXPANDS (by its own efforts): FTL space-time travel becomes a technical thing (warp drive, M-Drive, etc….and other DARPA projects currently underway, and soon to come, and completed but held secret for the ‘standard’ DARPA vault release (20–50 years).) ET Contact falls into this category.

But for humanity to survive, as it must (!), we humans have to adapt to accelerating change…hard…as we are stumblingly starting to do. (Afterall, we built this system and we can’t let it get away from us…at least not let it get away easily, without a battle (a battle for our survival.)

Humanity are like the ‘60s wave riders of North Shore’s Makaha in my second home, Hawaii, who over the years learned to surf its cross-currents, barrels and random waves…’hanging ten’ and looking good…despite it all.

The human brain, unassisted, seems inadequate for the Age of Exponentialism; and natural human evolution seems to slow to keep up. The answer seems inevitable that humanity must be assisted in the technological manner(s) listed above…which we are doing.

The big conundrum in this Age of Exponentialism is:

CAN HUMANITY HOLD ON! (To Itself, Its Technology, Its Future…as we think we know, or want it to be?)

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The GOP Is Drifting Anchorless ...But That's The Way They Like It


The Perched Eye blog is 14 years old,  from 2009 with President Obama's election. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the styles and directions of American politics and culture, with an occasional comment on the impact of new technologies. Our observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted.

To me, the following thoughts help to explain the current GOP. One can write extensively about these and other GOP foci, but primarily, America's GOPERs have put themselves out to Sea…but they like it (a scary thing.)

The GOP has become a marginal voting bloc that espouses radical, extremist, societally negative, marginal views that are often just nonsensical. Even worse, GOP'ers seem to recognize their aberrancy yet revel in their mud, reek, and wallow. Leaving the rest of America to clean up their slop (Orwell is cringing, ‘I warned you’…’ ”1984".)

Visibly (check out any GOP gathering), the GOP is an anomalous, societally harmful “phenomenon” — a politico-socio ‘glitch’ that is destructive and does not add real value to America except to provide a (fragile) outlet to a homogeneous minority of dissatisfied citizens…who if they didn’t have the GOP would actively engage in terrorism, insurrection (proven) and other acts to upset civil peace and destroy democratic government.

Why is the GOP so recalcitrant, risible, and apparently living on a knife edge of committing acts of mayhem…even self-harm, or at least operating against their best interests? Here are three principal reasons:

First, GOPERS themselves don't seem to know the real cause of their dissatisfaction…but the main root appears to be “Change” or “Different-from-us”…of any long as it gives them an apparent cause to ‘Vent.’ GOPER ‘Venting’ is so satisfying…the 21st century version of lynching,..Y’all.

Second, GOPERS have found anchor posts to fixate on as destroying their concept of ‘Normalcy’ — these anchor posts seem chiefly to be :

1/ Racial integration (legally begun in 1954 and 1964, but operating in reality (the so-called “Color Line” being a VERY POROUS but one-way street… since the 1600s with white male sexual exploitation of Black slave women…and even tacitly existing today;

2/ Ascendancy of even white women (the 1920 vote);

3/ Legitimization of the LGBTQ communities and their rights (“Closet Life” for those biological realities is close to ending for most of America.)

One can go on and on, and write many theses about these and more reasons that possibly explain the current GOP, but as stated in the beginning of this post, the current GOP is a crazy bunch...but they seem to like living in that world...SCARY.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Montgomery RiverFront Brawl (2): Real or Cinematic, The Chair's New Symbolism, Marvel's Memes, African Gods & Ancestors

  The Perched Eye blog is 14 years old,  from 2009 with President Obama's election. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the styles and directions of American politics and culture, with an occasional comment on the impact of new technologies. Our observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted.

Original Title:        "The ‘Montgomery Brawl’ Revisited: Was it Real, or Cinema Realite’, (& The New Symbolism of the Chair - the 2 Hour Prior Orisha Ceremony (Homage to and Blessings Asked for the African Ancestors from the African Gods, the Orishas (Oshun, the River Goddess; Ogun, the Warrior; and Shango, Bringer of Thunder and Masculine Strength)"

As the (original, above) lengthy title suggests, things about The Brawl keep coming out. Now we learn that 2 hours prior to The Brawl, a group of African-American ladies ‘went to the River’ at the same dock to offer flowers to their enslaved African ancestors who were brought to Montgomery and sold at the slave market a few blocks from the dock. The ladies aksed blessings from the African River Goddess (the ORISHAOsun). The awakened Goddess Oshun then invoked the chief God Ogun, the Warrior God, who sits on his sacred chair and provides mighty weapons such as The Chair (but who leaves their use to the recipient), and then Ogun was joined by the also awakened, mighty Shango, the God of thunder and power, AND MASCULINE STRENGTH.

Yoruba (West Africa) Sacred Chair:

In other words, The Brawl is contexted both by American pop media memes (e.g., Marvel’s ‘Aquamayne’), and by ancient African deities who had been awakened 2 hours earlier with offerings of flowers thrown into the river by African-American ladies, which consequently led to OGUN’s gifting of the Folding Chair to be used by the victims of The Brawl (and specifically by Ogun's hero, Mr. Ray)

(The Brawl’s confluence of ancient African and contemporary pop-media cultures (themes and memes) is astounding! And the synchronicity of it all makes one 'ponder'.)

— — — — — — — -

It’s 10 days after the peak internet exposure of/to the Aug 5, ’23, ‘Montgomery RiverFront Brawl’, and I am still digesting the many resulting internet pieces that message reactions, opinions, viewing angles, …about The Brawl.

All Americans, Black and White had the chance to empathize with the same clearly defined good guys…which they did (Did The Brawl give a new insight on ‘Southern Ways’, …that the Good Ole Boys (1) appreciate the good brawl, and (2) a good brawl doesn’t distinguish according to race if the morality is clear?)

Was the Montgomery Brawl real, or was it a great studio production — perfectly-cast, superbly-acted, Greek-chorused, even cinematic ‘theater-in-the-round’?’ (Keeping with the ‘uber-theme’ of hilarity, I prefer to ‘mentalize’ The Brawl’ as a neo-Greek Classical, Marvel Studio ‘joint’…same themes, almost verbatim memes or Marvel memes easily seen in The Brawl’s actions. (There, I said it…I think Marvel Studios is doing a great job of messaging positive, morally constructive, socially redemptive principles to America’s youth.)

The ‘Set’! Audience immersion…200+ viewers entrapped on a historically-replicated (ante bellum) tour boat stranded in an alligator-infested river, offshore the stage that was (really) the exact spot where slaves were sold 2 centuries ago. (This had to be a studio creation.)

The audience was out of earshot of the spoken dialect, but the entire, multi-segmented action was visible ….as the tour boat’s ‘Greek Chorus’ repeatedly chanted in unison, “Hey B..tch, Get out the Way’, (directly from a popular ’20s rap hit.)…at the private skiff owners parked at the dock space reserved for the tour boat…preventing the tour boat from docking more that 30 minutes. (What a perfect morality-play setting.)

And the script! Roles that connected with an audience already familiar with the script’s memes? And a clearly identified, and identifiable, victim (a descendent of slaves who had been sold in a market exactly on the tour boat dock.) Perfect setting, perfect ‘good-guy, bad-guy’ roles…all perfectly acted.

90% or more of internet reactions I’ve seen are a kind of amused veneer that is shattered to pieces by outbursts of natural, uncontrollable hillarity.

Though, for myself and apparently for many, many others, after each outburst, as I settle down between laughing spells, I am in wonderment why is The Brawl so amusing. What is so amusing about an assault on a elderly man just doing his job (or trying to do) to move a private skiff 3 feat along a city dock space reserved for a 200-passenger riverboat that had been delayed from docking more than 30 minutes by the skiff’s drunken, recalitrant, White crew and owners?

The answer, as much as I can figure, is the relief that no one was shot (this afterall is in the Deep South where guns are king), and no one was knifed — one White observer said if the White skiff crew had shown a gun, he would quickly have been “sliced catfish bait at the bottom of the river.”

‘Relief’ that everyone lived through The Brawl helped explain the amusement, but maybe, as I sensed and still do, there was more…that The Brawl was a rare occurence of unambiguous ‘Right and Wrong,’ and for once, African Americans were not only ‘Right’ but being right was acknowledged and protected, rather than being punished for being the victim.

(The elderly man-victim was incidentally African-American, a salient feature of the whole incident,…. but at the same time The Brawl was not just a racial ‘thing’, because a young White teen (15/16 yo) who came to the victom’s aid was also beaten and driven away.)

Maybe The Brawl was elementally amusing because even though racial-faces were predominant, it was not a race riot. The Brawl was more a Falstaffian morality play whose classic character roles, including the Fool, go back 4000 years or more! And the roles were ‘acted’ by real Black and White people…who incidentally performed ther roles superbly, including the Fool,…and according to a excellently written, wonderfully entertaining script with that must have come from senior writers at Marvel Studios (e.g., ‘AquaMAYNE!’)

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The August 5, 2023 Montgomery (Alabama, ) RiverFront Brawl: 'Murika's Strangeness Peeks Out …No Shots, No Knives, Everybody Lived to Laugh …White and Black Laughing…at White Buffoons. Did This Happen in America? In Alabama? In Montgomery!? (1816 vs. 2023! The Harriet Tubman Riverboat! Black AquaMAYNE! The Spirit of Dr King! 'Kunta'! The Same Dock Where the Slaves were Unloaded!! No, Not Too Much..MUCH More Can be Said!)

 The Perched Eye blog is 14 years old,  from 2009 with President Obama's election. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the styles and directions of American politics and culture, with an occasional comment on the impact of new technologies. Our observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted.

Murika. ‘Marvel Speak’, today’s ‘Lingua Universalis Murikana’ (eg, Black AquaMAYNE.) ‘Mollywhoppin.’ Murika is getting stranger by the day…but that could be good thing. 

(An example is the August 5, 2023, ‘Montgomery (Alabama) Riverfront ‘Brawl’ ). 

Was the ‘Montgomery RiverFront Brawl” a kind of post-post-modern American opera in the round, public invited, choose your role (strongly influenced by, or even perhaps scripted from Marvel Comics memes.)

By some miracle, the August 5, 2023, ‘Montgomery RiverFront Brawl’ was a potential tragedy that didn’t happen…as if the Fates were up there enjoying their game of cards, and said:

 “Not today Montgomery, you fools just go ahead and do your foolishness…and don’t you dare bother us with real tragedy like bloodshed, broken limbs and stuff like that…just embarass yourself, you skiff owners, … and embarass the State of Alabama…Alabama is used to being embarassed by its throwback racism.”

The Montgomery RiverFront Brawl now one of the strongest answers to the critics of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and “Wokeness”…the moral lines are sharp, clear and undeniably reflect the remnants of White, racist self-entitlement in a racist American region (Alabama)…where on August 5, 2023, an elderly Black riverboat co-captain(!) was assaulted (and video’d) for doing his assigned task which was to move an abandoned private skiff from the city dock space reserved for a tour boat (delayed from dockng for more than 40 minutes)…but he was angrily attacked by the returning skiff owners…more to punish him for touching their boat than carrying out his officially instructed duty. And the assault occurred on the very docks where more than 200 years ago (1823, and earlier) Negro slaves were taken off riverboats and marched in ankle chains to ‘holding pens’ only 2 blocks away, there to be sold at the slave market in center-city just a few more blocks away. It was as if the slave ancestors of the 2023 riverboat co-captain (assaulted by White drunken boaters) endowed the co-captain and his defenders who rushed to his aid, with physical and emotional strength to say, “No More, This Will No Longer Stand.”

Of the several well-voiced perspectives about that incident, this writer takes a positive view that one of the incident’s broader significance is that it examples America’s unique ‘growing up’ process…what better way to unite across histric racial animosity than a performance by ‘Opera Buffa’ actors at center stage so that everyone can laugh at clearly understood stupidity. Specifically, even White people can laugh at the White (redneck) attack on an elderly Black (and uniformed) staffer doing his job to clear dock space for a tour Riverboat (“The Harriet Tubman II”). One of the best reactions begins at minute 1:50 in the Youtube video:


But there is also a chapter 2 made by the same video-maker. Check out the ‘White’ lady who speaks her perspective at minute 9:20:


America has found a path to self-understanding through a new and uniquely American hybridized language that enables a common immediacy and understanding across (and erasing) America’s race-class boundaries. This new language is the set of memes from American mass media …,

and specifically in the context of the recent Montgomery incident, the memes of the Hollywood movie adaptations from Marvel Comics (e.g., “[Black] AquaMAYNE”, emphasis on Southern dialect spelling as heard at the Riverfront Brawl.)

The “Montgomery RFB” can also be framed as a Falstaffian opera-in-the-round with old and new elements, roles,, themes, memes, outcomes and even a ‘Greek Chorus’ (the Riverboat railing-line of teen Black girls in-unison sing-songing facing the dock (located at stage center):

“Hey [you], move your dam boat.”

Murika. ‘Marvel Speak’ (Black AquaMAYNE.) ‘Mollywhoppin.’

Yes, ‘Murika’ is getting stranger by the day…but maybe that could be good thing. (And, overall, we see that, true to their pacific African cultural roots, African- Americans are not inclined to lynch, mass murder, mass hate…but instead are ready to find humor in human frailties, and forgive…African Americans tend to see human bufoons as one chapter in God’s book ..and life is too short.)
— — — — — — — — 

(‘What the f…k is going on, America, are we regressing to a final end, a stinky, immoral finale to ‘America’s Original Sin’ (Slavery) ?) 

Or, have we progressed to a social media-meme-driven, post-modern neo-Capitalist-racist implosion? (Or, has America become to a ‘post, post-modern’ state yet to have a name?)

Facts about the August 5, 2023, Montgomery Brawl still roll in: … first, there had been a Trump rally that day, or day before, in Montgomery (the good ole boys were excited, and feeling extra-entitled); second, the riverboat docking was delayed at least 30 minutes by the private boat; third, the Black ‘dock worker’ is actually a “co-Captain (the media automatically assumed the assaulted co-captain was a ‘menial’ rather than a ‘second-in-command (First Mate)…a misassumption which in itself signifies racist re-labeling and re-framing of facts.

By some miracle, the Montgomery Brawl was a potential tragedy that didn’t escalate to deadly proportions. The only wounds that were incurred were wounded egos of the self-entitled egos of the redneck skiff owners.

The skiff owners set in motion their own fate (a general Mollywhoppin’.) The miracle was that no shot was fired, though I am 100% certain the there were deadly weapons (guns and knives) on that private skiff.

The whole thing revealed a ‘strangely wonderful’, or ‘wonderfully strange’ shift/seachange in American ‘kultur’…

America somehow ended up the confrontation with no deaths, no racial rioting…but instead wih plenty of laughs…at the skiff owners. 

Was the ‘Montgomery RF Brawl’a sign of racial co-recognition of ‘reasonable boundaries’ — yes, rebellion to officials and offical rules, and response in kind from Black Americans, but the knives, razors and guns didn’t come out…though they were certainly around, somewhere ‘handy’ but kept in place.

Was the ‘Montgomery Brawl” a kind of post modern American opera in the round, public invited, choose your role (strongly influenced by memes linked to Marvel Comics templates.)

This just might be a new American South’s holiday every August where Black and White southerners can choose roles according to their mood and participate in a good ole “Mollywhoppin Time.” Already there is a Youtube video of a multi-racal pool party where Black and White partiers share roles and mime the whole incident while beering down and falling over laughing at the good ole boy boaters who showed their asses and got Mollywhopped.

Murika is getting stranger by the day…maybe that’s a good thing.

And after the Molywhoppin celebration…everybody, too tired to hate, might’ve gathered together to share beer, barbecue, baked beans and fried chicken. ‘Murika’ finally finds a way to solve one of its major problems…race relations.

Most internet reactions are jolly, finger-pointing at the foolish, Falstaffian absurdity of the private boaters who were drunk, clumsy, made fun of and obviously headed for a righteous, good ole ‘woodshed’ “Mollywhoppin”…well-deserved just because they commically showed their asses in front of a huge crowd of African Americans watching one of their uniformed, official “uncles” get clearly ‘jumped on’ in full public view…and watching “Black AquaMAYNE” swim across the river (dodging “gators”, cottonmouths, and sundry other river monsters in that murky water) to arrive “to your left (Marvel meme)” to assist ‘Unc.’

Falstaffian. Murika. Black AquaMAYNE. Mollywhoppin. Mongomery Alabama…America’s new clown show.

Murika is getting stranger by the day…that could be good thing.

Friday, August 4, 2023

The Insurance Industry Forces Florida to Face the Reality of Climate Change, Finally

The Perched Eye blog is 14 years old,  from 2009 with President Obama's election. Our focus has been eclectic ...  the styles and directions of American politics and culture, with an occasional comment on the impact of new technologies. Our observations sometimes attract a critical eye, but the 'pen' remains unblunted.

Florida just doesn’t ‘Get it!’…the voice of ‘good business’ sense from the Florida insurance market is finally telling Florida like it is about climate change, by increasingly discontinuing insuring the properties of Floridians who stubbornly stay put in the paths of annual Gulf storms and refuse to move to higher grounds (probably out of south Florida, completely.) 

Climate Change is real, it has been real for a while, and in the name of ‘good business’, insurers should have ‘pulled the plug’ on insuring the annual flooding and storm damage to Florida real estate maybe a decade ago.

IN THE NAME OF ‘GOOD BUSINESS”…and to save Florida homes and business property, Florida’s conservative GOP contingent in Washington should stop denying climate change and encourage government studies and actions to stop or reverse climate change. (Comment to The Washington Post article: “How Florida let a top insurer abandon homeowners in their time of greatest need”, by Brianna Sacks, August 4, 2023)