The idea for this post was conceived more than a month ago with the intent to draw up a list of thoughts and key bullets linked to Donald Trump's then 3 but now 4 months in the White House - as POTUS not as a hall-wandering guest.
But, regularly every time, just as Pericles21 seemed to see a window of calm in the goings-on in Washington - a point to sit devotedly at writing this post - something would happen with DT that disturbed the apparent calm-in-the-waters and so put off writing this post. Something, an event or utterance from DT, that both strengthened previous opinions about DT's mis-match to his new POTUS 'gig', yet also added something new and more strange that was beyond prior imagining what boundaries, traditions and (even) laws might be twisted, bent and possibly broken to satisfy (or 'sprung from' as the whelping of a two-headed calf) the whims of 'dear POTUS' (nomened with thought ala Kim Jong-un).
Trump has proved to be not a POTUS but an ongoing, depersonalized, continually blossoming, non-scripted a giant fart striking those around with noise and odor, and never ending, going on and on. It seems with Trump's every movement, breath and thought, some American tradition, ethic, law, is breached, tossed aside and/or wrecked.
This description of the first 4 months is written with trepidation but with confidence that the sentiment is shared, increasingly, by a growing majority of Americans whose segments sometimes cheer him as watching the Bull in a 'China-shop', or sneer or quake in fear.
But at the root of things about America's perception of Trump as POTUS, as reflected in current polls (and even in the polls before the November 2016 election), is America's doubt about the 'aptness' of Trump to meet the skills, standards and requirements to be America's president.
The choice of the "Aptness' of Trump is an attempt by Pericles21 to 'ground' this post in phrasing befitting polite and considerate readers. But, 'Polite and Considerate Readers'- maybe that is the dance partner to the current POTUS 'debacle' (oops, there we go again, about to take off.) 'Enablers we are' seems the more accurate label we all must wear as our sharing in the Trump era.
Bluntly, Trump is not qualified to be POTUS. If Trump had lost the election, no one would been surprised (not even Trump). Plus, not only would no one have been surprised but no one would even have felt relief because we couldn't have imagined, without 'It' happening, just how weird, strange, bizarre and f...ked things could get.
And yet to our self-condemnation and self-flagellating angst in post- modern Western culture, it's all so mesmerizing (hypnotizing). To his 'credit', Trump as POTUS is arguably better watching than any television sitcom's free and 'obviously ' written by a team of truly 'gifted' (deranged) writers who seemingly must work 24/7 (around the clock) to dream up this s...t.
Trump as POTUS' been Odd (to be polite)...and the oddness keeps on being there.
But at the root of it all, something not pleasant is going on with the current POTUS. Is he physically ill? Mental? A traitor? Double Agent? Evil genius? Or not evil? Or is Trump just a genius so above every American and the world's leaders that we are toyed with like Barbie and Ken?
'Wha' is happening? To us? Wha's up with this whole piece? When's the commercial break, this s..t is getting too real? Isn't somebody in the control booth, we need relief? This looks, smells, sounds like a staged farce - it can't go on. Fire ASAP the warped agent who hired the burned-out druggies who are writing this. Our brains can't take it? Sniffle, sniffle.
That is what the current polls are describing and increasingly so, by trends.
What have we got? What did we do? 'Wha Happen'd?' How could we..did America ever.. envision ...after the, before the, after the election sabotage... !....
OK, bluntly put, it was, or should have been, always apparent there was something off-kilter with DT so we never looked closer than surface (his too-bright,smallish, eyes and crooked smile and over-the-top, self-exaggerations), and definitely askew with the picture of DT as POTUS, even several presidential cycles ago, that is why DT never got beyond or to the primaries.