This is a tough world and to make it really big in America takes a hero's effort. So it used to go. Now, it is maybe more appropriate to say, 'this world is bat-s..t crazy and getting crazier, but there is a high ground we might all look for before it, too, is swallowed up.' So, let's get to it.
By coincidence, and after this blog was posted, this blogger happened upon a striking cartoon in
OpedNews webzine submitted by Shawn Hamilton,'The PIMPS, a Cartoon by Ralph Hamilton'. Ralph Hamilton was a caucasian, WW2 Combat pilot (1918-1999) who rendered his concept of the American 'PIMPS system' as described to him by Ralph Hamilton's impressions after a 1981 Dick Gregory speech. Dick Gregory, a notable African-American, has since 1953 continued to speak out as one of the most iconic satirists of American cultural-politics. Gregory's 1981,'PIMPS' described an evolved stage beyond Eisenhower's 'Military-Industrial Complex:
PIMPS = Political, Industrial, Military Power Syndicate (1981, Dick Gregory).
Here is Ralph Hamilton's drawing of Dick Gregory's 1981 spoken image of the American political PIMPS (Political, Industrial, Military Power Syndicate):
The essence of Mr Gregory's and Mr Hamilton's melding of thought is thoroughly shared by Pericles21 who had heretofore felt this post was perhaps stepping out a bit far applying the 'title' of "Pimp" to Mr Trump, one of the current two presidential candidates. This blogger feels not only relieved and bolstered learning the ideas expressed in this post is shared by so esteemed an observer of American cultural-politics as Dick Gregory.
Pericles21 takes the further step in extracting one of Ralph Hamilton's 'PIMPS' characters as the dopplegang of Donald Trump (the resemblance seems uncanny, but a Pimp is a known thing):
So, onward.
Like a pimp, pimping his target and forthwith bragging about his next bling-grab (as Pimps and pimpin' cons do), Trump, in 2000 predicted, “I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it...”, (
Fortune, April 3, 2000). Hear that silken tonality like from a true 'Player', feel it?. GSA.
Classically American - in 2000, Trump felt he might one day run for President. But, more importantly, that was a 'Fortune' piece and Fortune does not waste print on just any Bozo, usually. So, what might Fortune have noted in April 2000 that might we read and be educated or warned about Trump today?
Well, back in 2000, Fortune indeed noted some important things about Donald Trump that we today should be mindful of. For one, Fortune noted that Trump had "far outlasted" many celebs of the fab '80s but Trump survived with his celebrity status intact. On the other hand, although he came through strangely:
"without any discernible personal growth. Like a cryogenically frozen Austin Powers, he stands as an almost perfectly preserved specimen of the era".
Then, and tellingly for an understanding of his current persona, he still comes across in 2000 as
"an unreconstructed hedonist"
That takes some doing...'disco inferno' lives on?
And about Trump's love of, in current lingo, 'Bling', in 2000 Fortune said:
"Trump’s mandarin tastes and almost sensual love of money can seem a refreshing throwback. “I, personally, like feeling the asset,” (Trump)
But what was perhaps the most surprising Fortune information in 2000, was Trump's relationship with minorities - Trumpster was 'in like Flynn' with just about everyone:
"In an 800-person survey conducted by Democratic pollster Rob Schroth, Trump scored a 67% favorable rating among blacks (vs. 21% unfavorable), 62% among Hispanics, and 66% among whites earning under $25,000,..."
'Wha happened' with Trump and the bros, with the muslims, with women? One answer 'seems' likely...and note the use of 'seems'...this blogger is one of the vast many who can't read minds and doesn't really want to know what might be in Trump's head...but the potential answer is Trump sussed out his political future and saw the quick con which required him to drop the bros and muslims, and upstart women. And, since he was going that way, why not include Mexicans, etc?
So, we are here today...and about to face-off with the made-over Trump...whose new 'base' is virtually all-majority race (white). Trump is the new hero of the self-isolated, rebuilt, purged and whacky so-called Republican 'phenomenon' ('phenomenon' since Republicans no longer have a real Party...Trump chased them all away like bug-sprayed ants at the company picnic).
But, we've used some word space, tho' for good reason. Now, in 2016, we see the wonderful transformation Trump has imposed on himself, which his new supporters have swallowed 'foot, line and nipple'.
And all to implement the Trumpster's big score. 'Watch out', America.
This is a tough world and to make it really big in America takes a hero's effort. And Trump made the effort and is now poised to drop a bomb.
Or pull off a pimp's con. Only the smartest, or the crookedest, or the most insane, or the biggest pimpin' cheat and exploiter can join up with the 'club' of American business success. And Donald Trump ('DT', OD (our Donald), 'Scratch'(as tagged by Hillary's 'deplorable', Big Pimpin') is allegedly a member of that club, and now he wants to grab the furriest pimp hat by getting the American Presidency by pulling off the biggest scam yet perpetrated on Barnum's gullible American public.
Even though his mega projects too often fall through eventually, and his suppliers and sub-contractors too often are stiffed, OD (Scratch, DT, The Deplorable One, etc) will show 'em all by 'pulling the wool' again. In OD's mind, he must be thinking 24/7, 'They're wrong. Fools are always ready to be fooled again ...somebody's gonna do it, so why not me'.
Trump is not racist, it's just that he's a closeted pimp searching for respect and wonders why his New York City, 8th Avenue 'cuz's' (the brotherhood of pimps) are always getting more TV 'props' as iconic characters, than himself. Trump feels he is disadvantaged by being not-Black so he takes it out on that club he can never be a member of by virtue of skin color, African-Americans. But have no doubt, behind that Orangeness Trump is a true American product, a quintessential street pimp: he's got the flair, he's got the hair, he's always first at the table, and he's got the 'stable' (which he constantly brags about and flashes in front of interviewers and television cameras like a pimp's 3 carat, Zircon thumb ring).
With these tools, and a mind like a 3 dollar ..., Trump can play his positions like a true pimp exploiter. 'America, the land of milk and honey, be proud of your boy, OD.'
Trump can creep along pretending to be what others 'see' (a maybe-successful, majority race businessman). Meanwhile, in his mind and heart, he is smirking at the gullibility of just about everyone he dupes and cheats. In other words. a pimp up to no good.
But, to Trump, duping others is no sin on his part, it's god's way of punishing the stupid,...right? The are the dupes and to balance things off, there must be the 'dupers' - that's just natural.
Our Trump feels he is a tool of divine purpose and he strives to be the best at his role, The Top Dup-er. Big Pimpin'. And 'No, pimpin can be easy'. If you have what it takes, you can not only win but run the table... again, and again and again...
Not a doubt. Trump probably begins each day reciting (mentally, of course), the pimp's mantra - that of the 80s master rapper of American Hip-Hop, '
Dougie Fresh'...and our Donald sings to himself, it goes something like this,
'Woke up this mornin, with a morning yawnin, put on my Gucci's' ...
...on and on our Donald serenades as he pumps up for the day's exploitations, hmmm challenges.
And our Donald, properly attired and cologned with the best, goes out to beat, err rip, err meet... the world.
Today, OD will try to pull off a scheme he dreamt - to see if regulators have fallen asleep about preventing cycling campaign funds to personal use. OD has to keep up a 'face' of non-chalance as he slices off a couple of hundred 'thou' for socks and new shoes (get's them bespoke in England, don'cha know).
And behold, OD's magic holds tight. No questions asked. The regulators are fast asleep and are mesmerized by his smile behind all that smile and impressive glitz.
'Lo', 'Flash' does it again. OD rips off, err achieves a business success, what regulators and analysts are finally catching a clue about - OD has ripped off
8.2 Million dollars paying personal expenses from his campaign collections (Politico webzine, September 22, 2016).
Does this unveiling faze OD? Of course not. The con's hustle and flow never stops. Chickens are just waiting to hop in the pan. So is OD's philosophy.
Lesson, 'pimpin' can be easy. And lesson number 2, 'What's gone today can be conned tomorrow'.
Repeat after me, 'WHO SAID IT?, “I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it,”' Oh Yeah, we know who!